SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 134. 1916. 215 Sec. 123. Pnocunnmnm or eAUe-ns, DIES, nes, AND so roam, e,§'°}},‘§g§;1’;g;’,§,$§» NECESSARY ron MANUFACTURE or ARMS, AND so FoR·rH.—The Secnn- upggogmeuilrges, etc.} tary of War be, and he is hereby authorized to prepare or cause to e ` prepared, to purchase or otherwise procure, such gauges, dies, too , fixtures, and other special aids and apphances, including specifications and detailed drawings, as may be necessary for the 1mme iate manufacture, by the Government and by private manufacturers, of arms, ammunition, and special equipment necessary_ to arm and equip the land forcesedlikely to bt; requiredi by tha; United States m P Om time of war: Prcwid , That in e expen iture o any sums ap ro- T ,,,°= [ priated to carry out the purposes of this section the existing laws °¤i•?°li¤cdif£];;ry use 0 prescribing competition in the procurement of supplies by purchase shall not govern, whenever 111 the opinion of the ecretary of War such action will be for the best 'pngyerpst og the nulilhctneryggeg N_mt_supp1y Sec. 124. NITRATE sU1>1·LY.——— e resident o the ni tates is Infv u r i d hereby authorized and em(powered_ to make, or cause to be made, such §?£‘°?P‘; investigation as in his ju iment is necessary to determine the best, cheapest, and most availa le means for the production of nitrates and other products for munitions of wa.r and useful in the manufacture of fertilizers and other useful uproducts lay water power or any Emlmamof ,,y_ other nlower as H1 his judgment is e best an _ cheapestto use; and <1r¤¤1¤<=¤i<=si¢¤¤- IS also ereliy authorized andempowered to designate for the exclusive use of the nited States, 1f H1 his gudgment such means is best and cheapest, such site or-s1tes,_upon any navigable or nonnavigable river or r1vers_or upon the public lands, as m his opunon will be neces- C Onmucmm 0, as £;*.z%.r.s¤;%°mzr;:“:sn;:.2s* s2::J;‘*.;.S,‘;1:;*3z::r;¥;°;g r=·m· B 1 designated, dams, locks, improvements to navigation, power houses, and other lants and equipment 'or other means than water power as in his juilgment is the best and cheapest, necessary or convenient for the generation of electrical or other power and for the production of nitrates or other products needed for munitions of war and useful in the manufacture of fertilizers and other useful products_. Acquhemwt of The President is authorized to lease, purchase, or acquire, by con- lands, ac. demnation, gift, gpantil or devise, such lalnds and riglnts ogwny as ma be necessary or the construction ana operation o suc p ants, anclr to take from any_ lands of the United States, or to purchase or °,§’“°““’·"· P“’°°”°°’· acquire by condemnation materials, minerals, and processes, patented or otherwise, necessary for the construction and operation of such plants and for the manufacture of such products. _ G mt W 0, The products of such plants shall be usedhby thnl President for pmuum. military and naval p oses to the extent that e may eem necessary _ and any surplus whli-ish he shall determine is not required shall be Dmwm °f surplus' sold and disposed of by him under such regulations as he may prescribe. _ _ The President is hereby authorized empowered to employ such ,t£§,?§5,f,'Q.¥l°"°°S’ officers, agents, or agencies as may in his discriegaicén bednecess31ry_to enable to carry out the purposes here1n_ spec e , an to au nirizln and regunje such officers, agents, or agencies to perforun any an a of the uties imposed upon him by the provisions hereq . Appmpmum _ The sum of $20,000,000 is hereby approfpriated, out o guy monleyés in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , available unt expen e , in Enable thnilgeésident of the Lnite States to carry out the purposes erem provide or. _ The (plant or plants provided for under this Act Shall be _COI1- th2l@,°,f§‘,§‘,'§,‘},,?,§’}§lY by structe and operated so ely by the Government and not in c0n1unc— tion girth any other industry or enterprise carried on by private ca it . _ ln Order to raise thenioneg appropriated by this Act and 116cBSS8·I‘_Y b0l,j§,,° ,,,‘§.',,,§§Q"“‘ to carry its provisions mto e ect, the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the request of the President of the United States, may issue and sell,
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