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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/237

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216 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 134. 1916. or use for such pxrgrpose or construction hereinabove authorized, any VOL 36, m,_ m_ m_ of the bonds of t United States now available in the Treasury of the rms. United States under the Act of August fifth, nineteen hundred and nine, the Act of February fourth, nineteen hundred and ten, and the Act of March second, nineteen hundred and eleven, relating to the Prom issue of bonds for the construction of the Panama Canal, to a total Rqaemgirmn pam.; amount not to exceed $20,000,000; Provided, _'Ijhat any 1?anarna Canal “'°"““°‘* bonds issued and sold or used rmder the provisions of this section may be made payable at such time after issue as the Secretary of the Treasury, ugfhrs giscmpon, may deemdagvisaplg, and §,hinstead of eighty years_ ter ate o issue as in said ct o ugust t nineteen un- Umf { Am dred and nine, not exceeding fifty years. , mvy,°"§`¤e° mardi Sec. 125. Paorncrrou or run UNrronM.—It shall be unlawful for °°,?;f;um_,,m nab any person not an officer or enlisted man of the United States Army,

ugzhgarul. Njaygvaogtgrftye Corpls, to weaiithe digg prescribed duiniform of the

’ ' m Army, a , or arme , or any `stinctive part of such uniform or a rrnlifhrm an part olfpzvhich is similar to a dis- Pmim tinctiveNpart ofglie dulyé(pr·escr‘%)bed_unifori·`r1il18omh;i United States Useotspecmeduni-AI1H_ y avy or anne rps: r the ore ro '- §‘§‘;‘§§;,,f,"§j;g’,°,,’f""°°° sion shall not be construed so as to preifent officers or mi-ilu of the National Guard from wearing, m pursuance of law and regula- _ tions, the uniform lawfully £rescribed to be worn by such officers or mlig gigs. Mw! enlisted men of the Nation Guard; nor to prevent members of the ’ gig-`amzatron lmown as the Boy Scouts of America, or the Naval wu www an w_ _ tra, pr such other ogganizations as the Secretary of War may desmm- mmm. rgnate rom wearing their rescribed uniforms- nor to t — m sons who m time of war {ave seryed honorably as oiizlgiduhf Itelile lJn“.i°$.?i..?$§‘r?5S0$‘}'£T.’Zt£l2.'¥i¢r§§ ¥JL"2‘s°rm°°r¤'P€;dR§g`"“'r°r V°i§i“t3‘i§: _ _ a _ y an onora e charge, muster out, or resggnatron, from wearrn , upon occasions of Discharged mm W ceremony, the uniform of e highest grade theydiave held by brevet mr-mg hom. or other commission ufl sriph Regular or Volunteer service; nor to revent any person w o as been honorably discharged from the United States Army Na or Marine Co , Re l V l te _ _ _ from_ wearing his uniformvfiiom the lace of-Tis disgcllziir mto hdsuhlonid, Military societies P gc 7 em. ’ within three months after the date of such discharge; nor to revent the members of military societies composed entirel of honoralil discharged officers or enhsted men, or both of the Udrited States grmy Navy, or Marine Corps, Regular or Volunteer, from wearing upon mm, Mm, m_ occasions of ceremony, the uniform duly prescribed by such sdcieties meme, ac. to be wom by the members thereof ; nor to prevent the instructors and meilmbers of theldulyioplganilzecl caget corps of a State university, State co ege,_or u c g sc oo o erin mso ‘ " instruction fiom wearing the uniform by tg girllllidrlig ggzzrrg inch urgversrtyé college, or public gh school for wear by the .rt§.§'.?¤’?.i"..$’r§'§.S '§$r§‘Z$i§Z$§X.§°"f‘ ‘§°1 ‘° *"“"F“° ““’i“` , ,4 _ _ _ ze ca e o 1n.r;s§r;r;t;>’&2{ll§;rn)rfrI;g ofl`er·mgH:;1re(gular corps; inUn1ilif.gyOin;tf1rl’r<i)ttioi’1I, T _ erpren e mauot `tdStt Lalyy, or Marme Corps is lawfully detailed fog drihyaas inhterlictor Q ` rmgggybscrince and tact1cs, from wearing the uniform duly pre- Civmm tt K scrr _ y the authorities of such mstrtutron of Iearmng for wear bv inmucuona cfjngff the instructors and members of such cadet corps· nor to prevent em- civilians attendant upon a course of military or naval instruction authorized and conducted by the military or naval authorities of the Lnited States from wearing, while in attendance u on such course mm ew mm. of instruction, thermiform authorized and prescribed by such military smauyy ·· P cr naval authorities for wear during such course of instr·uction· nor to prevept any person_from wearing the uniform of the United States Army, . avy, or Marine Corps in any playhouse or theater or in