2].8 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 137. 1916. Env 9i1916· CHA]?. 137.-—An Act To alter and amend an Act entitled "An Act granting lands I ‘R‘ *86**] to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Central Pacific [Public, No. 80.] Railroad, in California, to Portland, in Oregon," approved July twentiydifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, as amended by the Acts of eighteen hundre and sixty-eight ang erghtfxeg anld_s11:thy-mne, andjto algzer ariclixséienddapgikct enfiged %‘An n arm eco conoarar an ea erm Porgd to Astoria and McMinnville, in the State of Oregon," approggdpltfaynfourth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and for other purposes. Oregon-California . , land tm. Whereas by the Acts of Congress a proved A r1l tenth ervhteen $',i;"§f'3jm_ hundred and sixty-nine (Fourteent£fStatutesPat Lar e,,pa§e two V¤1- 16,pp-47,% hundred and thirtly-nine), and May fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy (Sixteent Statutes at Large, p e ninety-four), it was provided tshiitftrhe lalgidsilgralntedtgo gid inaliip) construction of ceram o s om or an, in e tateo reon toth thern boundar& of the State of California, and §‘0Il1 Portilaliilii to Astoria and cMinnvil1e, in the State of Ore on, should be sold to actual settlers onlly, in quantities not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres to eac person and at prices not greater than $2.50 per acre; and Whereas the Oregon and California Railroad Company, beneficiary of said acts, has yiolated the terms under which the said lands were granted by selling certain of said lands to persons other than actual stgttlerls, by selhlng muglpantrtres of more thanfone-quarter section eac person y se at rrces m excess 0 $2.50 per acre and by refusing to, sell any §'urth)er portions of such lands to actual settlers at any price, and in so doing has willfully violated the terms of the statutes by which the said lands were auted; and Whereas m the suit instituted by the Attorney general of the United States, pursuantto the authority and direction contained in the V°'·35» 1*-571- resggltigp toft6Apr‘il Lthirtieth, uiréeteeii hénndired dand eight y- a s a a 4, .. (me, at Supreme com 0ig$t§’”d?.a`&° S$..§° m"’3e S.iZ§€i3L rendered June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and fifteen (Two hundrectihirnd thilrtdy-eghth United States, page three hundred and ninety- ee), o ere that the Or von Calif R d Company be enjoined from makin iiirthefi·Ihales of tllalifds inmxiidlia.- tron_of the law, and that the said railroad company be further enjoined from making any sales whatever of either the land or the timber thereon until ongress should have a reasonable opportunit gc; ]p;·;i2;l% fpxrggr the dlispclirtégon otcisiaid land; in tplccordance with such _ess ne eem tm un t d at ghe sings Elmo sedure to the ra§.r0ad€Icouiap:.irI§=*uId11l athlgeislllie ,0 con erre y e granting Acts· and l "14’p‘m' Whereas 1t was exlpressl provided by section twelve of the Act of girly ttewentgifift , eiéteen gundrcd and sixty-six (Fourteenth atu s at arge, page two undred and thir·ty-nine) that Congress might at any time, having due regard for the rights of the gralntee rézilroad compgny, add to, alter, amend, or repeal the Act ma mg e grant; an Whereas the Qregon and California Railroad Company and its redecessors m mterest received a large sum of money from saliis of said land for prices 111 excess of $2.50dper acre, and from leases, interest on contracts, and so forth; an Whereas the aforesaid granting Acts conferred upon the said railroad compapy tl? right to reécerlvg not more than $2.50 per acre for each acre 0 an so grante : erefore _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 R maf h U d ,,,§,§§g°,§*a,,§g,‘,§ gf; Séatee of Anzerica in Congress assembZed,j'l`h§l;)Til91le titlgeldjsh inugihdf panlgéq gms my N- t 3 lands granted by like Act of JU.ly_ tWeHty-fifth,.eighteen hundred wggcggsm, an sixty-sia, entitled An Act lgranting lands to ard rn the construc- ,,0,; li PL 86; V0, tron of a railroad and telegraph ine from the Central Pacific Railroad , 18,p.4·~ in California to Portland, 111 Oregon." as amended by the Acts of
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