moving—picture films while actually engaged in representing therein a military or naval character not tending to bring discredit or reproach upon the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps: Provided further,Distinctive mark required. That the uniforms worn by officers or enlisted men of the National Guard, or by the members of the military societies or the instructors and members of the cadet corps referred to in the preceding proviso shall include some distinctive mark or insignia to be prescribed by the Secretary of War to distinguish such uniforms from the uniforms of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps:And provided further, That the members of the military societies and the instructors and members of the cadet corps hereinbefore mentioned shall not wear the insignia of rank prescribed to be worn by Restriction on insignia rank. officers of the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, or any insignia of rank similar thereto.
Punishment for violations. Any person who offends against the provisions of this section shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding $300, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Travel allowance to discharged enlisted men. Sec. 126. On and after July first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, an enlisted man when discharged from the service, except by way of punishment for an offense, shall receive 3½ cents per mile from the place of his discharge to the place of his acceptance for enlistment, enrollment, or original muster into the service, at his option: Pro- seiméei. vided, That for sea travel on discharge transportation and subsistence ongy shall be furnished to enlisted men. N cm db
No Army officer discharged or to lose commission hereby. Sec. 127. Nothing in this Act shall be held or construed so as to discharge any officer from the Regular Army or to deprive him of the commission which he now holds therein
Conflicting laws repealed. Sec. 128. All laws and parts of laws in so far as they are inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed.
- Approved, June 3, 1916.
CHAP. 135.—Joint Resolution To provide for holding the Texas Bicentennial [gi1.ll°1iéi.9i~i[] and Pan American Exposition in nineteen hundred and eigiliteen. —{Pu,;_·R;‘;,;,0E~0;i Resolved by the Senate and House ¢ZdR’4¥n·esentat*ives of the United T Bi mmm States of America in Congress assemb , hat whenever it shall be snauiessn Tmeim shown to the satisfaction of the President of the United States that E’§;,°§_§‘},°";,,,d Pm a suitable site has been selected and that ade uate provision has Agiggidwg ¤¤¤s¤§*i·; been made for buildings and grounds that enabe the Texas iii, °°°m°`p° Bicentennial and Pan American Exposition to inaugurate, carry forward, and hold an exposition at the city of San Antonio, Texas, on or about the first day of November, nineteen hundred and eighteen, to celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the settlement of San Antonio, the President of the United States be, and he hereby 1s, authorized and requested to invite Spain and the American coimtries and nations to such proposed exposition, with a request that they participate therein.
Approved, June 5, 1916.