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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/245

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224 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Ssss. I. Cns. 140, 141. 1916. S¤¤¤*i¢¤*i¤¤~ Sec. 2. That to insure the continuance of this work during such time as may be desirable, the President mag have the power of substitution in the case of the termination of the detail of any officer or Pm*•¤- enlisted man for any cause: Provided, That during the continuance e.mSiiXl¤?i P"' °t°" of such details the officers and enlisted men shall continue to receive ' the pay and allowances of their ranks or ratmgs in the Navy or mma Cm- Sno? 3. wat the following increase in the United States Marine I°°”°°S° °°m°m°d' Corps be, and the same is hereby, authorized: Two majors, twelve captains, e' hteen first lieutenants, two assistant quarterma.sters with the railfk of captain, one assistant paymaster With the rank of captain, live quartermaster sergeants, five first sergeants, five gunnery sergeants, and eleven sergeants. _ _ N°'L; gm. rn. Sec. 4. That the following increase m the United States Navy be, ¤£g¤· and the same is hereby, au orized: One surgeon, two assed assistant surgeons, five hospital stewards, and ten hospitafl apprentices, first lass. ,,,{,fc°,'¥,§,°'{,‘,Y*d‘Q§°,g{l “§ Sn; 5. That omcers and men of the Navy and Marine Haiti- Co detailed for dutgr to msist the Bgepublic of Haiti shall be entitledlm to the same t for such service, for longevity, retirement, foreign serv1ce, pay, and for all other purposes, that they would receive if they were serving with the Navy or with the Manne Corps. Approved, June 12, 1916. grixliizllsiiigi CHAP. 141.-An Act To amend section fourteen of the seamen’s Act of March

 fourth, nineteen hundred and Efteen.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ihl°]ZZ`$·tiosg°§1é1¤- United States o,fAmer·iea in Ocrniyress assembled, That section fourteen "°,?,§,'g‘;,;_‘g{°°‘;,j ,,83, of the segrnierl) s of Marc;hSu<i)1ii·ith;1_nineteen hungrpd gfteep, mm. eamene ysriknngou viionsthirdan our osusection headed “Life Lu: ets and life buoys," regarding the number of life buoys with whic steamers navigating the ocean, or any lake, ba , or sound of the United States shall be ui , and insertinv, H *"""" in ·'l‘uh1l·ld8r?l9ll’ the following: b bf b h hi h ls "°“· " . emmimumnumero 'e uoyswit w'c vesse _ are to be rovided is fixed as follows: Number modified uv g d h f • • • f mmmous add°d_ BSSB UI]. BI` OHB un GBtv ll'! ID.II\1H]`\].`lII ]1uID.bBI° O buoys, two; vessels one hundred feet an less than two hundred lgeeti in length, minimum 0; buoys, {our, of which two shall e uminous; vesse s two un eet d ess th three h dred {est in length, rlaumglerdog buoy`; sif, of w%ch two sllnall be u1ninous;vesse tree tm e eetand th f h d d feet in length, minimum number of buoys, twglge, 0?I\lvh1§hllirfou1l·Dslfs(lH ‘ be luminous, vessels four hundred feet and less than six hundred feet in length, minimum number of buoys, eighteen, of which nine shall pe lum1p0us;hvessels six hundrgél fept and less than eight hundred tine ,minimumn b ,twt—f ,fhih tisilelve shag! be luminous; lrlgsells (dighl;wll’sundre(dn getmlahdo oger in length, minimum number of buoys, thirty, of which Efteen shall e ummous. ·'“°“°’““°““‘· °°"~ “Fourth. All the buoys shall_be fitted with beekets securely seized. Where two buoys only are earned, one shall be fitted with a. life line at least_fifteen fathoms in length, and where more than two buovs age cairrxeil, at égast opetlsuoy onleach side shall be fitted with a life `eo ateast teen a omsin en h. Th `hts hallb flf t self-iglzitzing lights which can not beggxtin 'ohlgl in ivater (bird (tlilgy shall kept near the buoys to which theyQ;lScng, with the necessary means of attachment? Approved, June 12, 1916.