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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/246

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cue. 142, 143. 1916. 225 CHAP. 142.-An Act To amend section six of an Act to define and fix the standard ·l¤¤¤ 12 1916. of value, to maintain the parity of all forms of money imued or coined bx the United . [H· R· 1,3*7*1 States, to refund the public debt and for other gurposes, approved Marc fourteenth [Pubns, No. eu.] giigiwegslen hundred, as amended by the Act of arch secon , nmeteen hundred and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives o the . United States of America in Congress asse·m.bZed?”That sectioric six $giiizi?iiu·ii?ii$i.s4, of an Act to define and fix the standard of value to maintain the l’· 128** parity of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States, to re imd the public debt, and for other oses approved March fourteenth, nineteen hundred, as amendped-rib the Xct approved V<>1&°d36. p. 965. March second, nineteen hundred and eleven, lie, and the same is mm ‘ hereby, further amended by striking from the last proviso of said section six the word "one-third" and inserting in lieu thereof the wo;·du"two-thirds/’ making the last proviso of said section six read as o ows: " And pmmd` ed urther, That the Secre of the Treas ma in ,,,,I§’{§,§_ ‘°' ““‘“‘*’°" his discretion, recifive, with the Treasuretrfigl any of the United States, deposits of gold bullion the stamp of the coinage mints of the United States, or the assay office in New York certifying their weight,ii·ineness,.and value,, in amounts of not ·— less than $1 000 in value, andjssue gqld.eertificates,therefor of, the description herein authorized. But the amoimt of , gold bullion ““’”“**"°°'°“°"- and foreign coin so held sha11_aot.at.any, time exceed two-thirds of the total amount at at such timeoutstanding. And 1,}*,- gggfa 5m· P- section fifty-one hundred and ninety-three of the revised tatutee ’ ` of the United States is hereby repealed." Approved, June 12, 1916. _ _ Jima 12 1916. t.‘Z?£?‘ }3£;?";EiA§E.$§&"?»$3‘if$S“.2i.‘§X°’2?'ff§°?u%E§“ "°Y·°?'i°}.°$.i"§.€c°£ ————‘”°“°i°°°“" third, mliieteen hiindred and eleven, and for otl§er purpodes. wry, P [Pubml N°' gl`] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States oj America in Congress assembled, That section seventy-three of $’,}{f°°,{,”°°,§_°°{‘{,§*,,; an Act entitled ‘ ‘An Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating mmm. ' to the judiciary," approved March third, iiineteen hundred an eleven, be, and the same isherelg, amended to read as follows: C ,0 d , "Sec. 73. That the State of olorado shall constitute one judicial aaziie? ° t I district, to be known as the district of Colorado. Terms of the dis- "`°“'“· trict court shall be held at Denver on the first Tuesday in May and November; at Pueblo on the first Tuesday in Qril; at Grand Junction on the second Tuesday in September; at ontrose on the third 'ggiesday in September, and at Durango on the fourth Tuesday in tem er. grrhat the of the , in c0]]_St,]_'ucti]]51f_bg. D I¤¤°um and buildin heretofore authorized to be constructed at e cities of ,°P¤;>r°v'g‘],§¤¤;{,°u*;*£ Grand §Sunction‘ and Durango, be, and he is hereby, authorized and memset. empowered to provide accommodations in each of said buildings for post office, United States court, and other governmental offices, and the existing authorizations for said buildings be and the same are hereby respectively amended accordingly; and the unexpended balance of all appropriations heretofore made for the construction of said buildings and all appropriations which may betplrovided in any pendi l lation, or thatliereafter ma be made for e construction of are hereb made avai§ble for the Ipurpose stated in this paragraph: Provided, 'Ehat if at the time the ho dmglof terms ,,, of said court in any ar in either of said cities of Grand unction and ¤¤¤¢¤•¢ Durango there is nogiainess to transacted by said court, the term 91890**-vox. 39-1*: 1--15