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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/255

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234 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 164. 1916. Washing` ton; thence runmn` g in a northerlv direction along the west line of said Reserve Street to a point mne feet north of the south line of Fifth Street where the same goes through the United States military reservation; thence easterly]-pn a line giarallel to and the center line nine feet north of the south e of said ifth Street and south of the macadan) rtion of said street, running through said reservation to the easternllihimdary line; thence north to a éiomt where the said eastern boundary line intersects East Seventh treet in the ci ty of _ Vancouver, the exact location to be fixed b the Secretary of War. ¤.T’°° W °°°"°°°' Sec. 3. That the wor-k shall be begun within one year after the aproval of this Act, and within nine? days after the approval of this got the said railway company shall urnish a bond to the satisfaction of the Secretarylo War conditioned for the completion of the said railroad and other works mentioned herein across said reservation ~ two years after the approval of the said bond by the Secretary o ar.

 °'°“‘ Sec. 4. That the work herein authorized shall be constructed in

such manner, of such character, and with such spurs, switches, and crossings as may be prescribed by the Secretary 0 War, and shall be maintained an operated sub ’ect to such rules and regulations as he or the commander at the said ost may from time to time prescribe. u,g,‘{'§§.§2"§f;?“ °° p“°' Sec. 5. That the licensee shall) bearone—third of the cost of macadamizing Fifth Street and the public road on the eastern boundary of the reservation for the distance the occupy said street and road; macadamizing of said street and road? to be of such width as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War. The licensee shall bear onethird of the cost of maintenance of said street and road in addition to maintaining the space between the rails at all times in good condition Approval U, mmm for vehicle traffic. _ ¤¤m,•¢¤.,¤¢m1w.ys. . Sec. _6. That the maintenance and operation of said railway within the limits of the reservation, inc1ud.ingUaIl road work, lightin of track on roadway without explense to the nited States, and ot§1er work reczluired to be done by the licensee in accordance with the provisions an conditions of this instrument or deemed necessary or advisable by the Secretary of War, shall be subject to the supervision and approval of the post commander and.to such r?u1ations as he may from time to time ggescribe in the interests of goo order, police, sanitation, discipline, pu lic safety, and the conservation of the interests of the Useoftmcksbyother Govenlnlgnth . . ` railways. Sec. 7. _That any other aperson or corporation having a franchise for operation of a street r way in the city of Vancouver, includin any electric railway as may have authority to do a suburban and interurban business, may, upon obtaining a license from the Secretazeof War, use the track and other construction herein authorized to placed upon the reservation u on the payment of just compensation, and if the parties concernedp can not agree upon the amoimt of such compensation the sum or sums to be paid for said use shall be Rummy M fixed by the Secretary of War. Sec. 8. That if any portion of said iight of wa herein authorized. shall cease to be or the purpose oresaid tlie same shall be revoked. Any sums which may have to be expended after the revocation of this license, or any{portion thereof, in putting any remises or property herein authorize to be occu ied in as good condition as it is at this time shall be paid by saidp licensee its successors or · • 7 7 Approved, June 22, 1916.