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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/254

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 162-164. 1916. 233 CHAP. 162.—An Act Granting to the State of Kansas title to certain lands in said J¤¤¤ 22. 1916- State for use as a game preserve. . lB· 1793·l _ [Public, No. 102.) He tt enacted ti; the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United States of merica in Congress assem led, 'Eiat the Secretary K¤¤¤S- of the Interior is hereby authorized to grant to the State of Kansas gainiaiimgmluiids iu the public lands in sections twenty-five, twenty-six, and thirty-five in township twenty-four south and sections one and two in townshi twenty-five south, all in range thirty-three west, sixth principall meridian, for use as a game preserve: Provided, That if the said §Q°,,'§§;,,,, State shall at any time use or permit the said lands hereby anted to be used for any purpose not contemplated by this Act the said lands shall revert to the United States, such reversion to be declared by the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, June 22, 1916. GEAP. 163.-An ActTo amend an Act entitled "AnAct to amend an Act entitled hi; ixzsliillm ‘An Act for the withdrawal from_bond tax tree of domeatiealoohpl when unfit for beverage or 11 md medicinal useswhen maxed with suitable denaturing lm °` `I materialsf " approved gsrch second, nineteen hundredand seven. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress asrem , That the Act entitled “An w*;‘;°":°°;‘&0, Act to amend an Act entrtled ‘An Act for the wiaasrwn from bond mace:. ’ ` tax free of domestic alcohol when rendered unfit for beverage or liquid medicinal uses when mixed witlisuitable denaturing) materials,’ " approved March second, nineteen hundred and seven, e, and ghlci same is hereby, amended by adding to section three thereof the 0 ow : » "Pr1d§ded, That where alcohol is withdrawn from a distillery ware- house for shipment to a central denatiuing bonded warehouse under ¤¤¤‘*°¤¤·i*#¤m¤*¥· the provisions of this Act it shall be lawfu under such rules, regulations, and limitations as shall be prescribed b the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Slecretary of the Treasury, for an allowance to be manila for leakage or loss by any accident, and without any fraud or negligence of the distiller, owner, carrier, or their agents or employees, occurring during transportation from _ a distillery warehouse to a central denaturing onded wa.rehouse." Approved, June 22, 1916. CHAP. 164.-—An Act Granting to the Portland, Vancouver and Northernlhilway Julligilitlgm Com any a license to cross the Vancouver Barracks Military Reservation at Vancouver, Waéilmgton. ’ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States 0; America in Congress assembled, That there IS hereby granted ,.,§;f‘€,$’_‘;,§[°' B"' _ to the ortland, Vancouver and Northern RailwayVCornpany, a cor- mggyggmngglg poration organized under the laws of the State of _ ashmgton, imder gmpmypmaarigtg the conditions and restrictions in this Act contamed, a revocable """"°““""’°'· license to construct, maintain, and operate an electric railroad, tele- . hone, tele aph, and electric-power transrmmion hnes across the Vancouver garracks Military Reservation in the counzty of Clarke, State of Washington. Congress reserves the right to ter, amend, or repeal this Act. _ Lamm. Sec. 2. That the work herein authorized shall construetedhas near as practicable, upon the following location: at a pomt on the westerly side of Reserve Street where the same mtersects the southerly boundary line of the city of Vancouver, Clarke County,