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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/257

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236 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Cris. 168-171. 1916. State of Alabama,_be, and hereby isilauthorized to construcig ogerate, and maintain a br·1dge_and approac es thereto across Perdr 0 3% at L°°¤**¤¤· a point suitable to the interests of navigation from the_town of L an on the western shore thereof, m the county of Baldwin and State of Alabama, to Cummings Pomt on the eastern sl1ore£zhereof,_11l: $:0 oumueemu. county of Escambra and_Statg of Florida, m accor ance wit _ e V¤*· 3% P- 8* provisions of the Act entitled An Act to reglulate the construction of bridge; ogagdnavégable waters," approve March twenty-tlurd, nineteen un an six. ·*¤*¤¤¤¤¤**- Sec. 2. That the ht to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Hg expressly reserved. Approved, June 22, 1916. m?;??i•iilm CHAP. 169.-An Act To extend the time for constructing abridge sues the East-

 em Branch of the Elizabeth River in Virginia.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United E,§§§_'g R’§;;’°§',,,f" States of America in Congress assembwl, That the time for commencb ’ri¤;¤ mug; {gr ing an completing the bridge authorized by Act of Congress approved n;ii5T};’ riiiege ger: January second, mneteen hundred and fifteen, to be built across the P‘{,’g,f*g§},_ ,,,0 mmd_ Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River in the city of Norfolk, Virginia, •¤. ' by the Norfolk-Berkley Bridge Corporation, of Virginia, is herebj Extenped one year and three years, respectively, from ate of approv ereo . Ammdmmt. Sec. 2. That the ht to alter, amend, or re al this Act is hereb we P6 Y expressly reserved. Approved, June 22, 1916. June 22. 1916. _ [S. 60414 __ _ 170.-An Act _Grant1ng the consent of to Jackson County, Mis- [pubue, No,110,] ¢0¤S¤'llCt 8 bfldgo aorom West Pascagoula ver, at or near Pascagoula, Be it byjhe Senate and House %R6]H’88G7l»dGtiU€8 offthe United 3,7;*:* ’“°“€°“‘“ States of America in Orrnggess assembled, at the consent o Congress is ugsming iggatgé hereby granted to Jac on County, Mississippi, and its successors malgeuig ’ and assigns to construct, maintain, and oriprate a bridge and a preaches thereto across the West Pascagoula iver, at a int suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Pascagoula, §i)ssissippi, in $<;*;¤gj“°;**;,· the county of Jackson, m the State of Mississippi, in accordance with ` ` the rov' io ofth A t titled "AnA tto re late th o t - p xs ns e c en c e c ns ruc tion of bridges over navigable Waters," approved illarch twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. ‘*""°"‘""°°°‘ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 22, 1916. ___EiE2i€l·';9:?:l __ CHAP. 171·—J0i¤t R€B0l`llbi0I1 Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to ssl] {Pun. Res., Ne. 2;.; skins taken from fur seals killed on the Pribilof Islands for food purposes Resolved by the Senate and House R tati th U `ted

=;;g;;¢*y;hm_ Suite.; eg America in Congress assembllgl, 'lggissilie Sidbieiiry ccf Cadmaea. merce e, and he is hereb , authorized to sell all skins taken from

"°'·3’·*’·”‘”· seals killed on the Pribi1of7 Islands for food purposes under section eleven of the Act of August twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, in such market at such times and in such manner as he ma deem most advantageous, and the proceeds of such sale or sales shag be paid into the Treasury of the United States. Approved, June 22, 1916.