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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/258

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 174-176. 1916. 237 CHAP. 174.-An Act To rovide for the construction of a brid across the Salt mm 26’ mm Egg? $15}:; River, nlgar White Eagle Agency, in the Poncagllndian Reserva- Be it enacted_b·y the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby appro- mS°,{§`};‘,?’* °' M*°°· yirliiated, out of any money in the Treasury to the credit of the Ponca advpmpiiatipn for be of Indians, the sum of $6,000, or so much thereof as m&V be iili1r§°fi°°riiz$$¤é»[iivi»,a°g¤ii° necessary to be expended under the direction of the Secretary oi the gglgy "°m °"*’°l Interior, ior the purpose of pa one-third of the cost of the con- ` struction of a bridge across tlibngalt Fork of the Arkansas River, between sections three and ten, townshi twenty-fo1u· north, range two_east, Indian meridian, near White ld) le Agency, in the Ponca Indian Reservation, Oklahoma: Provided, ilghat no pa.rt of the money §gf1'{"!'gut,°Ds b . • . I'! y herein gppropriated shall be expended until the Secretary of the Inte- Kay and Noble comrror sh have obtamed from the proper authorities of Kay County °’°°' and Noble County, in Oklahoma, satisfactory aranties of the pay- ment by said counties of at least two-thirds o ti; cost of such bridge, and that the proper authorities of the said counties assume ull Mmmm responsibility for and will at all times maintain and repair said bridge an the approaches thereto. _ Approved, June 26, 1916. CHAP. 17 .—An Ac To au orize George H. Herve , of Pensaco Florid Jun"? m6- construct andsoperate a.ntelect:ricti·1ailway line on the Fort}l3arrancas anl:’Fort Mdikeud Military , Florida, and for other purposes. IP¤l>!i¢. N0- 112-1 Be it enacted by the Senate and Housizucif Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemb , 'l‘hat the Secretary of War Fg·;<;r;,1;·¤¤¤;_g¤¤ wd is hereby authorized to give to George H. Hervey, of Pensacola, Florida, cage °E’. Hervey his heirs, successors, and assigns a permit to locate construct, main- "¤*" °‘ ""Y tain, and operate a line of electric railway on the military reservations of Fort Barrancas and Fort McRee, in Escambia County, State of Florida, upon such location and under such revulations and conditions as shall be approved by the Secretary of War. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby swam:. reserved. Approved, June 27, 1916. Juno 27 1916. CEA!. 176.-An Act Amending an Act entitled "An_ Act agpmprrgadtiona IH- R- {$*711} lor the naval service for the fiscal year ending June tlnrtreth, nineteen un _ and [Public,No. 113.] sixteen, and for other purposes/’ relating to the authorizatron of fleet submarines. Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Re esentattves of the United States ¢$fAme1·•Zcdl*in Congress assembled, `{'haimthe provision of the Act Ixiiviiggitriii subma; entitle “An Act makin appropriations for the naval seryice for the ""“‘· fiscal ear ending Jnme thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, and for officr purposes," which reads as follows: “Two submarines, to be of seagoing type, to have a surface spgcsd of twenty-Eve knots or more if possible, but not less than twenty ots, to cost,_ exclusive of armor and armament, not exceeding $1,500,000 eaoh," is hereby amended _ _ to read as follows: "Two submarines, to be ofseagoing type, to have $$,7%% a surface speed of twenty-five k110ts_ or more of possrb e, but not less at than nineteen knots, to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not exceeding $1,500,000 each." Approved, June 27, 1916.