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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/260

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 180-182. 1916. 239

 180.;:}; éeifogolpmvide for the storing and cleansing of imported Mexi- has géggii

rubue, N ne. Be it e·naeted_by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United I 0- I States of in Congress assembled, That under such regulations §‘§,’,‘{,f,‘·,,,,,,0u,,, and conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treas- Q: Mmm ww. ¤¤· ury, bonded warehouses maay be established in which imported Mexican peas, commonly calle (garbanzo may be stored, cleaned, repacked or otherwise change in condition, but not manufactiued, and withdrawn for exportation without the payment of duty thereon: P me Promkled, That the whole or any dpart of such imported garbanzo, Dihy miwaaaumx and the waste material and by—pro ucts incident to cleaning or other- ‘°" °°“’“"‘¥"*““· wise treating said imported garbanzo, may be withdrawn for domestic consumption upon the payment on the quantity so withdrawn of the duty imposed y law on such garbanzo in their condition as 11§>orted: And provided further That the compensation of customs P""‘°““°"°"*°'“· o cers and storekeepers for all services in the sulpervision of such warehouses shall be upaid from moneys advanced my the warehouse proprietor to the co ector of customs and be carri in a special .account and disbursed for such purposes, and allexpenses incurred shall be paid by the warehouse proprietor. . ._ Approved, June 28, 1916. _ ' cnn. 1s1.-lm Aajre emtusuactmcuam mam on me mm: imma., "‘?§.”fs££}'* in the vicinity of Baratana Bay. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of IE1e£resentat·ives of the United States ofA·nwrioa ·in_ Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the B3g_}g,¤ Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to establish a Coast Guard ¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤d¤¤¤· station on the coast of Louisiana m the vicmity of Barataria Bay, at such point as he may deem best. Approved, June 28, 1916. CHAP. 18b.T·An Act Authorizinigiie Secretaiicr of Commerce to exchange the hl};-gi:·lm' land now occupied by the Schooner ge Ran ont Light Station at the mouth (pubuc Nm um of Crum Creek, Pennsylvania, for other lands adggcent thereto which are intersected ’ · by the axis of the Chester Range Line of the Delaware River, and authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to remove said Schooner Ledge Range Front Light Station after certain conditions have been complied with. Be it enacted by Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o{€Amer·ica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Com- “°§‘g’,§§,;f merce , and he is hereby, authorized and directed to grant and  ; ¤¤¤¤¤ convey to Alba B. Johnson and Samuel M. Vauchiin all that certain wg smut: `nr. vm. _ lot or piece or parcel of land (granted and conveyed to the United ‘i’,_?,_°° D°‘°"°'° States of America by the president and comlpany of the Philadelphia Umsmw by and Reading Railroad Company by deed ated December twenty- ‘ nmth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, situated m Tnmcum Township, in the county of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, describe according to a recent survey as follows:_ Beginning at a pomtin the south side of the entrance gate to the basm(for the storagg of canal boats in winter) on the upper side of the mouth of Cree and rimning thence along the cross bank dividing said bas1n_from the meadow at the mouth of Crum Creek south_four degrees west one hundred and fifty-seven feet; thence south thirteen degrees fifty-five minutes east one hundred feet; thence south twenty-six degrees east three hundred and nineteen feet, more or less, to ow-water lme m gre Delagare Biver;ktheré:1e by thef low-water Imc the hDeIaware iveran Crum to epaceo contum§` veacijes moreorless.beingpa.rtofacertainla1—gertract£>rparcel andwhieli