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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/259

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238 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 178, 179. 1916. . CHAP. 1 8.-An A Author;} the Secre of War to extend the lane ml; iiiwiix" imued under7the Act of iitugust twenty-third, nineizhii hundred and twelve, entitled

 "An Act authorizing the Secretary of War to lease to the CME, Milwaukee and

Puget Sound Railway Company a tract of land in the Fort Keogh tai? Reservation in the State of Montana, and or a nght of way thereto for the remova of gravel and Bc it enacted the Senate and House o Representatives of the United

 States 3f’A1rwribcilz in Cougars asse·mbledfi'l'hat_ the Secretagy of War

mgfggwgléxhg be, an he is hereby, authorized in his discretion to exten the area andmigethound aan- -covered by the lease issued under the Act approved August twenty- lf °°""‘°’ ““"’“' third, nineteen hundred and twelve, entitl "An Act authorizing mY_g},Ld§7· P- **57- the Secretary of War to lease to the Chicago, Milwaukee and Ifuget Sound Railway Com any a tract of land in the Fort Keogh Military Reservation, in the State of Montana and for a ht of way for the removal of gravel and ballast materia.l," so as to iiiglude two hundred and fortfy-one and sixty-seven one—hundredths acres, with necessary rights o way, for a term of ten ears from the a proval of this Act, in the name of the Chicago, lhlwaukee and Spamt Paul Railway Company, a corporation of the State of W,-lSCOIlSlD. (the grantee and successor in interest of said former lessee) for the purposes and under the conditions imposed by the provisions of said Act of August twenty-third, nineteen hundred and twelve. Approved. June 28, 1916. ’°;g§,g{§°~ cnn-. 179.-An Act To amend ··A¤_Actw protect uw umn and animals in m—.. Yellowstone National Park, andto punish cnmesin said park, and for other purposes," (P¤bU°» N0- U5-l approved May seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-four. You N mm! Stge it enpided the Sgaatc and H¢;·uma1elg5Rri€·e:ep§zHpe§ of the United www ¤' es o menca an ongress ass , a e o owing ara- P“5}.;t.¤¤,m ot mp. graph, lzormingggart of section four of an Act entitled "An Alit to °"°J,;,$§’é#g},,,mmd_ protect the b1r and animals in Yellowstone National Park, and ed. to punish crimes in said park and for other purposes," approved Mayfsventh, eighteeéi ggdredfandlninety-four, to wit: Punishment wr vb- y person oun t 0 vio at' an of the revisions of °`¥?.°rZ,Zil§;`§%§i°t;L this Act or anyl rule or regulation thatumgay lie promulgated by the Secretary of t o Interior with reference to the management and care of the park, or for the protection of the property therein for the preservation from injury or lsfpoliation of timber, mineral de osits, natural curiosities, or wondc ul objects within said ark, or fdr the protection of the animals, birds, and fish in the said) park, shall be eemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subjected to a line of not more than $1.000 or imprisonment not exceeding two years, or bo§hh:ndrcbeiadjp<jged to pay all costs of the proceedings/’ be amen e o a as o ows:

  • ’"¤'**“¤**¤* '°* via "Any person found ilt of viola.t' an of the mvigion

tions orlaw tc. , In ’° ’m this Act or any) rule orgldgndation thatuxhgay bye promulgated bystlili Secretary of the Interior with reference to the management and care of the park, or for the protection of the propert therein, for the preservation from_ injury or spoliation of timber, minera.l deposits, natural cur1os1t1es, or wonderful objects within said park or for the protection of the animals, birds, and Bsh in the said ark, Pmty Mum- shall be deemed gjulty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subjected) to si fine of not more t an $500 or imprisonment not exceeding six months 0;- both, and be adjudged to pay all costs of the proceedingsf i Approved, June 28, 1916.