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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/262

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHs. 182-184. 1916. 241 United States and title shall not pass from the United States until the dpermanent tower and dwelling proposed to be built by it on the lan to be conveyed to it shall be rea y for occupanc , nor until all valuable lighthouse (property is removed b the United States from the site to be conveye by it: And further, That the existing mFu=;¤g¤*¤8 Hem ¤¤¤- lights now in use shall continue, without interference b said Alba. B. ` Johnson and Samuel M. Vauclain, until the establishment by the United States of permanent l.l%ltB on Chester Range. Sec. 2. That the said Alba . Johnson and Samuel M. Vauclain, ,,,,(;f’,‘{,‘,¥‘,}fg,}‘,{;f’,‘;f°“° °‘ tépeplrg the passage of this Act, and after the rendition by the Attorney ral o his opinion in favor of the validity of the title to be conveyed to the United States and the conveyance to the United States of such title, shall have the right to proceed with improvements upon the tract to be conveyed by the United States, except upon such portions as are actually required for lighthouse purposes, under conditions to be prescribed by the Secret of Commerce. ' Sec. 3. That all expenses incurred by thibrylllnited States in making ;,.?,,‘¥§’Q’g°{},f,°¤,‘LY§l€ the exchange of Ggroperty herein authorized, including the cost o i°°· i , — such abstracts, cial certifications, and evidences o _ as @6 i Attorney General may deem necessary, and all expenses incurred in removing such lighthouse property on the present as mayzbe advanttoggeous to thejntereéts of the—Government shall be Splayahlg e propnatm ff _. _ ·L1ghtho` vice, for the iisczllyears inwhich suchsexpenses are. . Approved, June 28,..1916. ·· _. · :’ . , . ..iF.s;-;;3·rA¤*s$:;rssrsPw1a:* sssre¤°°**~*s.s*bPc , B V 0 , I11!10 H UD. 811 D, IOV1 OI *···" ‘*·1··· the constmctionlblilg national archives building. oe P g [P“bl’°· N°· lm] Be it enacted by the Senate and House :é1Representat·ives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, at paragraph four of section B§1¤m¤¤[g¤(·tr¤¤iv¤¤ twenty-one of the public buildings Act, approve March fourth, Inspnclllon, dec., in nineteen hundred and thirteen, which reads as follows: “That before E{?§{*§$jf’§8,“§m°‘{,§‘,j; the said designs and estimates are completed inspection shall be made sd- ' under the direction of the Secretary of &e Treasury of the best modern national archive buildings in Europe, and consultations shall be had with the best authorities in Europe on the construction and arrangement of archive buildings/’ be, and the same is hereby, repealed; and the acquisition of a site for a national archives building; and the construction of the said building according to the terms of said Act of c March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, is hereby authorized without such inspection and consultation in Europe. Approved, June 28, 1916. · -¤ · Inns CHAP. 184.-—An Act Authorizing the saleof the lighthouse reservation at Scituate, lB·?i1¢lllw· “¤¤¤¢h¤¤¤f¤¤- {mia, na. 120.3 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Com- *““‘€*’°"" mcrce is hereby authorized and directed, in his discretion, to sell and Sa¤¤¤rras“;•!;¤umi ui convey to the town of Scituate, Massachusetts, for the sum of $1,000, S°m°°°' ‘ that certain piece or parcel of land pertaining to the Lighthouse Service situate and on Cedar Point, Scituate, county of Plymouth, Commonweal of Massachusetts, described A nl fourtlx D°“°"*’“°°· eighteen hundred and eleven, by Seth Sgérxaguc, Joshua an Nathan Rice, a committee amted un the act lngslaturv of the Commonwealth of achusetta, ceding gunadietxon and 91890°-vcr. 39-1*: 1---16