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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/263

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242 SIXTY·FOUBTH CON GRESS. Sess.I.` Cns. 184, 194, 195. 1916. 8.'|1tll0 the appraisement of land at Scituate Harbor, and recorded in ymouth register of deeds, book one hundred and sixteen, pagies one hundred and eighty-two and one hundred and eighty-three, as ollows: All the land an beach that lies southeasterly of a line beginning on the easterly side of Cedar Point at a place that bears smith fortggnine and a half degrees west from the Ol Sow, so called, and that ars north four degrees east from the willow tree on the first cliif, so called, and from said place running south seventy-foiudegiees west across sa1d‘Oedar Point to the harbor, together with the rig t of way and shore rivilege, including the improvements thereon, %‘,*gm,,, _ mr no longer rgmred for 'Hghthouse pu1époses:PromAed, That said town ¢<¤·1¤1•m1¤¤r1¤. of Scrtuaée _ maintain the site an structure tliereonas an historic v Approved, June 28, 1916. ` f§')‘§°i,‘?,‘;; ann. g31é§A:nt:1.cg :.pl"proii1;pt:·aliationa sti the rymqi of invalidmdeither —· ——· ous 0 m I - |Publ1¢, Nc. 121-1 mud seventeen, and for other pwpwwymvending me ummm, nmemim lm Be it enactedlry Senate and House ofR¢preac1•tat·ivea of the United ,,°‘:*‘°°’ °PP'°P"* States America in Omngress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money the Treasuzcnot otherwise aiyropriated, for_ the payment of pensions for the al year ending une thirtiiath, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and for other purposes, name y: mI;f*l*d· 1**-» N1- _For Navy pensions, as follows: For invalids, widows, minor chil 1:1, and depeéiglent mlagivmhgamy rlaurses, and all other pensioners w o are now me on e ro h after be placed thereon, under therprovisions of my ghdvall ofugo ess,

 $158,000,000: Provided, at the appropriation aforesaid forngav-y

A pensions shall be paid from the mcome 0 the Navy pension fund, so °°°°¤*¤· ar as the same shall be sufficient for that purpose: rovided further, mm dhmm That the amount expended under each of the above items shall be ,,,,,,,1 accounted for separately: And provided further, That all allowances made, or hereafter to be made, to medal of honor ioners under the Act of _Congress miproved Aprnl twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and sixteen, sh_ be paid om the moneys appro riated for Am ppm mmm the payment of invalid and other pensions, and section three of the , , - :1;% gic ézenty-seventh, mneteen hundred and sixteen, is §°x`;¤s¤1=g1c11¤s¤1¤¢•¤¤¤· t For fees and txpeim of examining surgeons, pensions for SO".

 gggdered within the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen,

Approved, June 30, 1916. June 30, 1016. KH- **-*6*7*-1 OH.AP.195.——A Act Exte di ‘ ‘ acm, · ,,,,,,,.,., N., ,,2, gm-auxsésgzigéit ¤i.e'2t 3¥“¤1lEL?§£‘.°3?i“¥.L°2§’é°p'lmm{’Z,?P,$eT§L?§;‘§ $$,*.*}*,2 m _ Be it enacted_ZrytheSena¢e andHoueeo R entati Ip, ‘

,,s·§;’g%§,r‘};§‘,é’1§”J,;1§§{ States of America in _O'¢mgress assembled? Tlgtcsah apvi·l>p)`l·-ihtioggzg

mg; mmsgy P you the necessary operations of the Government and ofp the District of ,i?_£i0r_m Columbia, and for the payment of pensions under existin laws ·p· · which shall remain unprovided for on the thirtieth day 0% June, nineteen hundred and sixteen, are contmued and made , d d . available for an unng the month_of July, nineteen hundred and sixteen unless the regular spplropriations provided therefor in bills now penlling in Congress sh ave been previously made for the service of the fiscal