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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/265

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244 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 197. 1916. in said State but outside of said park, and saving further to the said State the right to tax persons and corporations, their franchises and propprty, on the lands included m_saad park. All the laws applicable to p ees under the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the United States shall have force and effect in said park. All fugitryes from justice taking refuge in said park shall be su ject to the same laws as refugees · from justice found in theState of Washington.

 · sc. 2. That said arkshall constitute e nrt of the United States

· judicial district for the western district of llashington, and the dis- _ trict court of the United States in and for said 'strict shall have jurisdiction of all offenses committed within said boundaries. wtwtnhw Sec. e. mtu nnieeenee eneu be eornnntte.1 in the Mennt Rainier National Park, whic offense is not prohibited or the punishment for which is not splecifically rovided for by any law of the United States the offender s all be sullgect to the same punishment as the laws of the Stats of Washington rn force at the time of the commission of the offense may provide oralike offensein said State; and no subsequent repeal of any such law of the State of Washington shall affect any prosecution or said offense committed within said park. i

 Sec. 4. That all hunting or the killing, wounding, or captur' at

airy time of angbwild birdéor animhrg, except dangegous anilmalslgdren r - is necessary reven m estro uman 'v o ` fiicting lpersonal inliury, is prohibited withinlilllilglimits of said nor sha any fish be out of the waters of the park in any other waythan by hook and hne, then only at such seasons and m such Hmm wg mw :;:1 mmrgywdmmiblyiiiramttd by the Seerethn-ylpt the Interior, Hill.? $001*6 tenor make an ° mlee and regulations as he may deem necessary and pr·opePrl1f<hI·Si1hes'1ri:1hanagement_ and care of the park and for the protection of the propert therem, especially for the preservation from in'ury or spoliatron of ah VOL ,5, p_ wi timber, mineral eposrts other than those legally located prior to the passage of the Act of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eight (Thujtyjfifth Statutes, pa three hundred and sixty—itive) natural_curr0s1ties, or wonderful §l$jects within said park, and for thd protection of the ammak and birds in the park from ca ture or estruction, and to prevent their be` frightened or driven iiom the "°"·*· Pak of**;,j;1¤d:;r(;¤¤¤|,pr1:1;¤;um pair. igoshession within new . . ereo , o ° pmhmmt M M animal shall be pnma facie evidedcd) that the person diliievrgldgsllizlgigg l°°i°`“` the s°m° °"° gullly °f Vi0l¤¢i¤g this Act. Any person or persons or stage or exgess company, or railway com any, who knows or has reason to b _ eve that they were taken or contrary to the rovisions of this Act and w o receives for transportation an oi) said animals, birds, or fish so killed caught or tak 11 h hyll I any of the other provisions of Act, or anyariilgroiiro S ;t'o`i1l(izlfie?: may be promulgated b the Secretary of the Interior rlf r n to the management and care of the park or for th tl t' G Bfctlio propgrty therein, for the reservation from in' 8 Pm ec lin 9 ti WL ,_,,_ P_ M tim r, mineral deposits odier than thoselega.l1]1lloyea(ti;dSP(ii0ii‘ti·i)>ut}(:0 passage of the Act of May twenty-seventh nih P ngnt (Thirty-Efth stntnnn, tin ’ °“’°“ h“‘*d‘°d md ¤nnn_nn.nn,,, 0, w.ne.n&“§t— "° -"“*"‘*°¥‘ md m=y·¤v¤>· protection of the animals birds oi·Bcfit;hv{lt11;,ll10SaldKark' Olilfolghtgi ·—- .• » __m er,orwo

11th1lhl?1d park commit any damage, rnjury, or sdbliation to or up011

_ Y , fence hedge ate d · » 8 » Sul epost, tree wood, underwood timber, en cre v tables a . . deposits other than cgclegally loi:aIg;lni'>Srioi·ai1o,tli;PmugS, mlimtxhai ${*3 ggalggg tgenety-seveh1th,d;1memen an; gFS§:g?Tl)iirty€ » $8 un ed and sixty-five),natur§ curiosities,