SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 195-197. 1916. 243 year ending Jime thirtieth, nineteen lnmdred and seventeen; and a sufficient amount is appropriated, out of any monely; in the Treasury _ not otherwise apprglyiriate , to carry on the same: rowded, That no §§’§';°g·,, , , cmu ` greater amount sh be expended for such operations than as the ¤m¤¤¤#-=. sum of one-twelfth of the appropriations made for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen ears to the whole of the appropriations of said fiscal year: Provided further, That the total expenditiues for ,°}`{’h§,“;°Q°{¥;g'gd*,f,“f_;§ the whole of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen under gud rim! appmpria the several applropriations hereby continued, and under the several °”‘ appropriation ills now pending, shall not exceed in the aglglrsegate _ t e amounts finally appropriated therefor in the several b` now pending, except in cases where a change is made in the annual, sxeepmm. monthly, or per diem compensation or m the numbers of officers, clerks, or other persons authorized to be emplo ed by the several appropriations hereb continued, in which cases the amounts authorized to be expendedy shall equal one-twelfth of the appropriations for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen and eleven-twelfths of the appropriations contained in the several bills nowpendingfwhen the same shall have been Hnally passed, unless the or compen-· sation of any office shall be increased or diminished without changmg the grade or the duties thereof, as which ease such sala?1or compensation shall relate to the entire iiscsltggar and run from e _ thereof: And providedfurtlaer, That sessiomemplogees of the Sen—- m ,§,‘§d“§'* ate and House of Replrssentatives now authorized. y law shall be continued upon~the ro until the end of: the present session of ·Gon~· gress and paid at the rate per diem or month at which they are now _ paid; and a suciiicient amount is appropriated, out of any money m ·‘·PP'°P"""“ the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the same Approved, June 30, 1916. June 30, 1016. CHAP. 196.-An Act To extend the time for constructing a bridge acres the ___ (8-37*2-} Mississippi River at or near the city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. ( Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o{ America in Congress assembled, That the time for comments %’§§°“§*,}*{j,,’},',Y,°‘·,,,, mg an completing the bridge authorized by the Act of Congress lggggtéygh d¥gm§91,¤g¤ approved Ju y seventeenth nineteen hundred and fourteen, to be mins! caapuy, •£ built across the Mississippi lfiver at or near the city of Baton Ro e, B‘{$°,'§ ¥*'§‘},‘f*,{j‘*5,, Louisiana, is hereby extended two years and five years, respectiv\§y, •¤··¤¤•<¤- ' from date of approval hereof. · ‘ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A¤·¤dm•¤°· expressly reserved. Approved. June 30, 1916. _ 197.-—An Act To accept the cession Ely the State of Washington of exclusive nl? Jlmsdiction over the lands embraced within e Mount Rainier National Park, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives of the United States Y America in Oongrees assembled, That the provisions of the act ¤.,],{Z{'°pL¥“t*$i§LN* of the egslature of the State of Washington, agproved March six- w§$”°jd‘j§;§,d‘$$§_§h’{ fpenth, nineteen hundred and one, ceding to the nited States exclu- merlin to Uy¤i¤•¤ sivejurisdictien ever the territory embraced within the_Mount Rainier °‘““’°‘ National Park, are hereby accepted and sole and exclusive jurisdiction is hereby assmned by the United States over such territory saving, however, to the said State the right to serve civil or criminal process sm pass, as within the limits of the aforesaid park in suits or prosecution for or on account of rights acquired, obligations incurred, or crimes committed
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