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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/267

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246 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 197-199. 1916.

 Sec. 9. That the commissioner provided for in this Act shall be

nausea paid an annual salary of $1,500 payable uarterly: Promkled, That the said commissioner shall reside within the exterior boundaries of said Mount Rainier National Park, at auplace to be designated b ”“""°°‘°"°"·°‘°· the court making such appointment: A providedfurther, That ad fees, costs; and collecteéll by tlgzhcpxgmissioner shall be digxised 0 as provi in section even 0 ct. ,,,Y““°" “"‘“‘ ‘°°°· _ no. 10. That all fees, costs, and expenses arising in cases under this Act an;lBSrop¤:lrly cliiargeablzloa the United States shall be certiiied,appro an pai asare' emcosts andexpensesin the mmm 0, nw md eogrts of th,1e‘hl;nit;•isii§!t;ates. d ’ , asa. mq. 11. thes an costs and collected shall be deposited_by said commisépner of the nited States, or the marshal of the United States collectmgvthe same, with the clerk of the United A of States District Court for the estern of Washington. °°"°"°’ °"‘““· Sec. 12. That the Secretai%of the Interior shall notify, in writing t)];¢;1gi<;vXri;or of the State of ashmgton of the passage and approval c . Approved, June 30, 1916. 1 m,1m. I

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I 0. . B 11 1 autborizeigg Island and Harbor Company, its mmm earn _ ma geor n ,or uctsacmm ewater tween

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{ Y B v dw tedredgeachanneltromthedeepwatemof obile Bayinto Dau hin Ba ;I§lsoto cow  !:ltplcks_and whailrggndpgng Lfttle andBig ll)auphinl¤1ands," » Ill 6 V8. . A Be ite·nactedby theSenatewndHoueee Re;n·ese·n.tat·i th Uited ii;;;';;d;; ;°°‘· States 4p' America in Oomgreea assemIgled{That the gi- the Zom- ,,,,,,1,,ng gm, ,;*1; mencement and completionof the bridge or bridges authorizedby the %g°1;inC°;s1a¤d me Act entitled ‘ An Act to amend an ct to authorize the Dauphin ven zz p.1ap·?°¤¥.i.¤4. Island Railway and Harbor Com its success ' °°'~ , construct and maintain a bridge Idiiugrid es or vig1dSu0tl`saSS1gnS,tlti0 , ’ C water between_the mainland, at or near Dedar Point, and Daiigphini Island, both Inttle and Big also to dredge a channel from the deep Zvaters of Mobile Bay into aulphin Ray; also to construct and mainam docks and wharves along oth Little and Big Dau hin Islands " approgeg June eighteenth, nineteen hundred and twdlve is hereby eg: n e to two years and four f l f ’ .%1. .1.., .. s.p.i..., .$Z.Es§°§£°d$Z§ §;..i‘§.i.2€`.;‘;$.°‘*t°‘ "`° Approved, June 30, 1916. June 30, 1916. s. .. CHAP. .- ‘ nam ,,.,,f,,j,'Z,§_’,,,_, ;..g..1..1§$»..i‘é.*}.‘if}y°.‘£“‘ii$.’2a.?.${”§.?‘L1’,;.2,?.§‘.§°.,C,,,;';;‘,.’;.$‘;‘,‘;§$;*,‘}_,"Y*;*5 nig of a fol: the purpose of manufacturing, maintaining,,<listributing, audxixlup- 5.%. 2.‘i%°..°.°*‘f’¤—.?}3?...‘.',$"..¥".&'L`$€..¥E""‘“ “‘° ‘“"“" "*“"‘°‘ M *’=*= Km ·*i¤==i¤·· . Be it enacted bu the Senate and H R · . · na 1, _ _. _ 071.860 0 tal h Iz M£;{,$m;§?;?:: States of Americapn O¢vr?yress aasembledf Thzgssglrie ollfilhfe gfchm ,,1 Kam, lature of the Territory o Hawaii entitled "An act to uuthoyi d c.m¤:y,¤un».1,¤z¤. provide for_the manufacture, maintenance distribution and gi ml céfs hl-gllgt agdlpower riwithin the liihiie district arid the Kblbz , & to •• 1: g.,.. ... ti. ·¤`.‘§$’. $.1 ‘£i.§.. fi.°"'*“· “*’*"°"°** ji; "‘° thirteen, is hereby amended by Congress iuiiim langiigndegnig hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed, hs follows;