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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/268

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Srss. I. Ch. 199. 1916. 247 "Act 153. "An act to authorize and rovide for the manufacture, maintenance, distribution, and su ply of electric light and power within tli_u}iLihue district and the Kb oa district, county of Kaua.1, Territory 0 &W811. "B it enacted the Legw` hture the Territory o Hwwaii, Sncrros 1. That llsyenberg, of Lihulg county of Kéuai, Territory of %c}1]%$§{¤>¤;¤r&¤M' txxzam .·::;°;;:s;,.:;·:;>::Sxs;.s.;.ma: :;*:*;.:21.220::; Territory of Hawaii (he and they being ereinafter referred to as the "association"), be, and hereby are, vested with the right, authoriiiy, and prrgglege {lor ghe tleridlpf licfty years frplrn tthbgage of the i otis ct e ngresso e m a manui’l§:Itr11(ij;, sell, fwh,Lg1{11d sglgplllytelecgrég liihii, el‘i•i<;r·ictcurrent, 0; t owrm e ue c an e ooa nc ccunyo Kii(i1£?'Ferriitory of Hawaii, for lighting the streets, roads, public_ or · private buildings, or for motive dpower, or for any other purpose which they may deem advisable, an from time to tune for sard term_of fifty years, for the_pu?>oses herem mentioned, to constiuct, mam- °“‘“.1“t‘l.2”°§3§%?§,“`l§.f2$°t’2’&?s."L§?f;t°.¤as“b1“’£¤“3°%'§; °“"’£.‘?.?.“§§s con uc puma as may frdm time to be necessary for thhlel tra?s\:i3sion£ldist `b ti l of ectricit to consumers ereo cr eng, uliiou iiiiiliirvzillizhdrsuezw, sidegalim, roads squares, bridges; alleys, andnlanes in the Lihue district and the Koloa district, county of Kauai, Territory of Hawaii, and to connect, by means of the said line, w1res an conductors, any manufactory, private or jilubhc buildings, lamps, lamp-posts, or other structure or object wrt the Pl*}?§ ° S“P'»§’Q - - bl I lam ¤.i..t,. nc. 2. at poles, lmes, wires, ca es, amps, p-posts, conductors, condurts, and other appliances constructed, mamtamed, or operated under, along, ulpon, or over the streets, sidewalks, rgadls, squares, bridges, alleys, an lanes in the said lnhue district an t 3 s)a1d’lKoloa district shzdlobe 10 constructed, maanégngedéi lgpggztdf e assocra on as no unnecessanym srgch sti>reets, sidewalks, roads, squares, bridges, alleys, and lanes by t 1i . Egiio. Tgzlti grid associitidn, its ‘1iepresentatti11;,3es,t‘successors, °"‘“""•‘“" ' ,s responsi eoran amagesei r _ nor .

>iiop??Ii;sulting from any act of neghgnce on its part which may

occur by reason o the exercise of any of e privileges herein grante . Forman M vm, "S1¤:0, 4. That of sa1d association, its representatives, successors, mm’_m_ and assigns, shall fail or refuse to do or pe orm or_ comply with any of the provisions of this Act or the laws of the Territory of _Hawau, and continues to refuse or fail to Pperform or comply therewith after reasonable notice given by the h ubhd; b <;n 050 the T 'to fHa to com thenewi ,sa1 c ies m— mfigionqbf) the v'l‘gi·lr·itory or Eawaii may, with the_consent of the szsrszm 0* ***6 ·**°·e·;1: sis; ‘i%“Sif.%’§°€%i€."..bi§?.?t§ ll 9 0I`6 811 8. 1'0pI'l8. _ _ granted and allyriglits and privileges accruing hereunder forfeited and declared null and void, and in case of a forfeiture of this franchise the Territory of Hawaii, the county of Kauai, or any political subdim “m‘ $*:;*3..*:im *·*t:as* assassin? t fon wi ° e said ue mc _ _

  • “i*iii°*iBi::‘“° i*m;‘» s.%-2:%“a-;:.b:.d.:t:*s*;*t%h*zP*°"£.:2 M.

I Pmohae b Tern- $tmii1<i1nti>Lp0u·i·i>1hasi:a·Gi)s `ven to the association by_the Territory ¤¤.•¢¤· Y of Hawaii or the county o? Kauai or any political subdivision thereof within sixty days after the forfeiture 0 this franchise.