248 SIXTY·FOUBTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 199. 1916. D°“"'7 °‘ ""'*°°· “SEc. 5. That the association shall have the right to `maintain, operate, and use electric meters or other means of measuring electric light, power or current supply from time to time and to locate the same at such places as mg be deemed necessaryl for its protection. That such association sh have the right to c argc, receive, and collect from all consumers of e1ectr1city_ such reasonable prices as maifrom timeto timebefixed and detennmed by the association, but suc charge shall not at any time exceed 20 cents per kilowatt hour, or one thousand watt hours, nor exceed suclrrate or rates as may be ’ fixed from time to_ by the Public Utilities Commission of the §'??_{{{,;_,,,,,g,_ Territory of Hawan: Provided, hoaoever, That the association shall have the right to charm receive, and collect from each consumer of electricity for light suin of not exceeding $2 per month, and from each eomumer of electricity for power the sum of not exceeding $1 per month for one—l1orsepower apparatus connected to the mf**°° '°‘ T°"**°'*°* service of the association: And promkledfurther, That should electric- ` ity be of said association by the Territory of Hawaii, or the county Kauai, or any successor of either, or o any pohtical sub-‘ division thereof, for public purposes, said association shall not charge therefor more than 10 cents r kilowatt hour, or one thou- ...°,.;·.';¥.:°*..,*,·;..m},*,}f° me watt hom; And pmazta rm as franchise me the .- association holding the same be subglmzt, as to reasonableness of rates,0prices, and charges, and m all o r respects, to the provisions chapter one hundred and twenty-eight of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, nineteen hundred and fifteen creating a public utilities commission, and all amendments thereof, for the regulation of the public utilities in said Territory; however, to said association the right of appeal to the Supreme urt of Hawaii from every _ M order of said commission as provi cd in said chapter. °°"°°°°`°°s’ “Sec. 6. That said association shall have the right to ch consumers or applicants for the use of electricity for one-half om cost and expenses of making connections between the com(pany’s main line and the premises where the electricity is to be use , such cost and expenses to include the price of all wire, poles, insulators, and other materials and labor necessary to be used m making such connections, the reasonableness of said charges upon the ap hcation of an arty in mterest to be sub`ect to the a roval of the ublic .fi P . . . {Ow PP _ _ P Swvinpi ut; ties commission: Provided, ever, That the association shall °"°' ’ not be required to make, construct, or maintain said connections as aforesaid or supply light or power unless the applicant or applicants for such light or power, if required, shall deposit in advance with the association a sum of money sufhczcnt to pay one-half of the costs and expenses of -m&k].Hg and constructing such connections and for current for wriod of one month in advance. E¤°¤=’·*¤¤=· "Sec. 7. _ at the association shall not be required to extend, construct, or mamtam its main lines beyond a distance of three hundred feet unless there be an qpplicant for each three hundred feet of extension, or fraction thereo , and unless each a plicant shall, in addition to the other reqguuements in this Act provided, agree to take install and maintain ve fortly-watt lamps or one horsepower of power _ apparatus for not less t an one year. S_Qgf°¤“¤“¤°° 0* "S1:o. 8. That the association shall have the right to discontinue or cut off the supply of electricity to any consumer who shall refuse to tpiy the amount due for electricity supplied by said association wi such reasonable time as_sa1d association may fix for the ay- ment _0f the same, and such discontinuance of service or supplly of electricity shall not be a bar to or prejudice the rights of the association zn any remedy or remedies now or which may hereafter be Emmy , su%gr;zeg byilazvtfgnr the recovery andcollection of the amount due, em. _ h b. . ha_ e board of suplltgrmsom of the county of Kauai is ere yauthorized to make and m time to time change, amend,
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