252 SIXTY·FO'URTH CONGRESS. · Sms. I. Ch. 203, 208. 1916. and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Grand Calumet - River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation where the cmmaeen. same Cline Avenue, the city of East Chicago, m the State V°*- “»P·“*· of Indiana, m accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction oi bridges over navigable watem," appnlived March twenty-third, nmeteen_hundred_ an six. amamimun. __ Sno, 2. t the right to alter, amend, or_ repeal this Act is expressly reserved. - , a Approved, June 30, 1916.
- ifT'l£&; _ een. 208.—An Act Making appmpnnim ra its hmpnmac ma ccnsum
Service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen,
D ummm _ Be·£tenacted_byt]ieScnatemui'Houseof Representati•>eeg/'t7te United ,,,,,,*l’*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,°;” States ry America. an Congress asscmb , That the following sums be, and they are herebty, severally appropriated, in full compensation for the Dip omatic an Consular Service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, mneteen hundred and seventeen, out of an mone in the . . Y Y Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, namely: l s•m¤. sananms or Anmassanoas AND umlsrnns. A .~ A¤¤¤¤¤¤<*°¤- Ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotenti to Austria—Hungary, Aigentina Brasil, Chile, France, Germany,8Cl·,eat Britain, Italy, apzan, exico, ltussia, Spam andf1‘urkey at $17,500 each, $227,500; ,,§,°';’,{,’ _ nvog; extzraordmagy and, mimsterslplenipotentiary to Belgium, 1>¤¤¤¤1¤>¤¤¤¤·¤v· gigntpio ba, and the etherlands and uxemburg, at $12,000 each, J 7 Envo extraordinary and ministers I t to B li ° c01Omb§ Costa Rica, Denmark, llgpub 'c, Eciiaddll; (léreece and Montene%0, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, _Morocco, icaragua, Norway, _ anama, Para§uay, Uruguay Persia, Peru, Portugal, Salvador, Siam, Sweden, witzerland, and Venezuela, at $1gi000 each, $24é)£00; d nvoy extraor ary an minister plenipotentiary to Roumania Servia, and Bulgaria, $10,000; ’ ’“°",§°" ",§"’°°‘ Minister resident and consul e 1 to Lib $5 000- mggzz ;&)gentla;1dT<i1onsulge3era1}atCa{ri·(:>I,a$6,500;8ma’ ° rmm. r ram e _ _ at no s ary crein a propriated shall b 'd to °“""’ "°“ *°“°“· official receiving any other salary gem the United Staailgl Govgrlig men ; "**‘*¤"" "’“*’°"°°‘· Chaggés d’affaires ad interim $50,000; Tot , $587,000. sananms or sncnmranms m rim nmmuauo smzvrcn. sstxeegie, espie. For secretaries the Diplomatic Service as provided in the A t f mx mfr- $§§’E`$¤“§¥0»fiZY.*?;¤’E"$?t€i2 ?$'£?§$,d ui 5li°°“’ °"°i$°i}~ {An il"? *2* _ _ service, a rov ,§;°uylS·¤§{6m mum mneteen hundred and fifteen, $180,000: Prmrllibd, 'llhat lhleulaihgfifdliilt am. may, whenever he considers it advisable so to do, designate and assign O§cm,,yd°g,mm_·1_ any spcgetary of class one as counselor of embassy or legation; And a:£iédse¤.1».4,p_ig.;, pmvzce _ further, That section sixteen hundred and seventy-four of ~ the Revised Statutes, fifth paragraph, as amended by section six of v¤1.aa,p.soe. the Act approved February fift , nineteen hundred and fifteen entitled ‘ An Act for the improvement of the fore` service" is hereby amended to include after the words "chargé15lla£faires" the word "counse1ors." Japanese secretary of embassy to Japan, $3,600;