SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 208. 1916. 253 Turkish secretary of embassy to»Turkey, $3,600; Chinese secretary of legation to China, $3,600; Assistant Chinese secretary to the legation to China, to be appointed from the corps of student interpreters, $2,000. {Assistant apanese secretardv to the embassy to Japan, to be appomted from the corps of stu ent interpreters, $2,000. Assistant Turkish secretary to the embassy to Turkey, to be appointed from the corps of student interpreters, $2,000. sALAnms or DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR ormomas W'HILE nmcmvme INSTRUCTIONS AND MAKING ·raANsrrs. To pay the salaries of ambassadors, ministers, eonsuls, vice-consuls ,,,I‘,§‘g‘;f‘°‘*’“““““‘”‘ and other officers of the United States for the periods actually and necessarily occupied in receiviig instructions and in making transits to and from their posts, and w e awaiting recognition and authority R_S_ ,,,_,.,,,, ,,_ M to act, in pursuance of the provisions of section seventeen hundred ' and forty of the Revised Statutes, $65,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary. . · · 2 cmmxs AT EMBASBIEB AND L1¤eA·r10Ns. For the employment of necessary clerks at the embassies and ,,,‘,§‘°',,"“,,,,,,,,," °"“"““' legations, whoywhenever hereafter appointed, shall be citizens of the ‘ " United States, $100,000. · . . sausms or mmamnmns ro mnmssms AND LEGATIONS. Interpreter to legation and consulate general to Persia, $1,000. I¤¤¤1>¤•*·¤=·°*°- S Interpreter to legation and consulate general to Bangkok, Siam, 1,500. For ten student interpreters at the legation to China, who shall be ,,§,f“d°“* ""’°""° citizens of the United States, and whose duty it shall be to study the ¥¤ °¤¤¤· Chinese languagl; with a view to supplying inter retcrs to the le a·· PWM tion and cons tes in China, at $1,000 each, £10,000: Providgd, Nonpsrtlsan mw. That said student interpreters shall be chosen in such manner as “‘Z,?;m ofmlu will make the selections nonpartisan: And promkled further, That ' upon receiving such appointment each student interpreter shall sign an agreement to continue in the service as interpreter to the 1% tion and consulates in China so long as his said services may re%_uired within a period of five years. .,.umm_ or the payment of the cost of tuition of student interpreters at the legation to China, at the rate of $180 per annum each, $1,800. In m,m_ For six student l.!1i»'§.l'0l30l'S at the em assy to Japan, who shall aa of fha Uni Sgates, and whose iluty it zgialll bi; to gmail; e aanese angu ewit aviewtosuppyingm re rs _ ,,,”,m_ embasgy and consuixgtes in Japan, at $1,000 eac _, $6,000: Provided, m§_¤¤r•r=¤¤ ¤•1¤¤ That said student interpreters shall be chosen in such manner as ,,._,m°,m,,,,_ will make the selections nonpartisan: And further, That upon receiving such appointment each stu ent_ mterpreter shall sign an agreement to continue in the service as mterpreter to the embassy and consulates in Japan so long as his said services may be required within a period of ve years. _ ,m,m_ For the payment of the cost of tuition of student interpreters at the embassy to Japan, at the rate of $125 per annum each, $750. m,m_b,_ For ten student inte reters at the embassy to Turkey, who shall be citizens of the United States, and whose duty it shall be to study the langu of Turkey and any other language that mag be necessary to gu§gy them for service as interpreters to the en} assy and consulates in Turkey, at $1,000 each, $10,000: Provided, That sud "'°"'°'·