260 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 208. 1916. tional Geodetic Association shall and it possible to resume its support pif theicgnservatory, ihslllh be deducteldc rom the quota due from the ~ United States as suc e mem r.
°°` The duly appointed re relssleixrliative of the United States on the Permanent Commission of tllie International Geodetic Association is hereby granted authority to vote with the rs-Hresentatives on the {perma-
_ nent commission from other nations on matters coming be ore the association, including the extension of its existence, subject to the appxroval of Congress. U r¤•m•¤¢•¤-y mmrnnnm Courmnrmcm Inrnnranunnrnranr Umouz The Awmmm 1.,,,,. apwpnatron of §40,000 "For the purpose of defraying the eiimnses "`“*’§`i’°*i•°’ E “ii"“g‘°° C`? *"°“€°‘i£,M.i"’ 1`f6·‘rrr°“°°r¤“grs°h C*°”j°’°’i°° °ir $5 p¤¢,p.m¤•. amen mon o m nmmne een un anrdmflfteenk gg expended ulnader sugh rultga ing ions as the Secretaryo ate mayprescri ,’ ma ein appropriations for the Diplomatic and Consular Service for the Hscal linding June thirtreth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, is hereby extended and made available for the calendar years nineteen hundred and sixteen and nineteen hundred and seventeen.
jg: Frrrrmnnrn Inirnrmarrouax. Corroruzss Aoamsr Ancorromsrrs To
complete the arrangements and provide for the entertainment of the $¥?&,_riZ im. Fifteenth International Congess Agiainst Alcoholism to be held in the ?°•*·P·*°°°· United States, to be expen ed un er such rules and regulations as the Secretary of State may prescribe, $10,000 or so muc thereof as ` may be necessary, together with the unexpended balance of revious gppropnatrigai for tltr: holding of said poiplgress in (flhe Um£p<¥1Sgates: m,,m;,c,,,,,,,_ , an 1 rmze accormt o e en `tures a e rem*g:gf¤i¤¤•¤* *°· ported to_Congress: Provided further That nldppart of the appropriatrrgn l;er`•6rn made shall be expended for entertainment outside the c1 o ashrngton. §‘¥,§]“$“,,,, mu. gurnnme ar Snmenar, Crrma: For purchase, alteration, and |•••¤¤·¤¤¤··¤=— repair of consular premises or purchase of a site and the erection thereon of a suitable building or mldrngs, for the use of the consulate general and the United States court, rail, post office, ]I18·1Sl18.l.’S and ogiier Ggvemgbgnt oices at Shanghai, including the residences of 0 cers, 355, . · ,,,,’;,‘g§,,’“°2,‘_}““‘I,,,,,;°‘},",,_ INTERNATIONAL COMMIS§IO}i’ ON Ptmuo AND Pmvxm IN·r·nnNA— aaggraw. wm TIONAI: Law: The appropriation of $15,000 for the payment of com- P,,,,‘?%‘:°§,'“_ · pensatron to and the necessary expenses of the representative or WL 37 E mp refpresentatryes of the United States on the International Commission ' o {unsts, organized under the convention signed at the Third International American Conference August twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six, approvedtiléy the Senate Februa¥ third, nineteen hundred and eight, and ra ed b the President ebruary e` th, nineteen hundred and eight, for the p se of pre dreiitls of codes of public and rgivate intematrongl law; and for the payment of the W 37 lm quota of the nrted States of the expenses incident to the preparation v01·38·P· m of such drafts, mcluding the compensation_ of experts under article · ·P· · four of the convention, made m the Act making a propriations for the Diplomatic and Consular Service for the fiscag year ending June thrrtreth, nineteen hundred fifteen, and extended and made available for the fiscal ear ending June thirtieth ninetee v°1·38·P·“2“· and sixteen by the Dgdomatic and Consular Act a rowihrlnlllgeli fourth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, is hereby exteiildied and made available ior the fiscal year ending Jrme thirtieth, nineteen hrmdred an seven een. ¤¤!>¤%¤·· Acoursmon or L1:eArroN Pnnmsns ar Hanazu ; Bmldwim purchase of a site and the erection of a building therhgriliwlorlilgi ihg acqrnsrtion of suitable premises m the city of Habana, Cuba, and for