Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/282

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 208. 1916. *261 such alteration, relpair,_and furnishing of the same as may be necessary — ~— for the use of the egation to Cuba, both as a residence of the minister and for the offices of the legation, $100,000. . sananms or rim consmnm snnvrcn. A C°”’“’°'S°"*°°· _For salaries of consuls general, consuls, and vice consuls, as pro- $})‘{§’,};g*-uma vided in the act approved February fifth, nineteen hundred and ` fif teen, entitled “An Act for the improvement of the foreign service/’ _ _ $1,139,000. No plortion of this sum shall be paid as compensation ,,,,§,°§f§°"°“ “" ""° to vice consuls w o are not American citizens: Provided, That if in !1,’g*n”*·*°- Mmm any case the Secretary of State deems it impracticable immediately to ' secure a competent vice consul who is an American citizen, he may appoint or retain as vice consul and compensate from this fund a person not an American citizen until such time as he is able to desig- _ nate a competent American citizen for such post. Every consul mgwmmmp mm general, consul, and, wherever practicable, every consular agent, ` shall be an American citizen. For salaries of five consular inspectors, at $5,000 each, $25,000.


For the actual and necessary traveImg` and subsistence of °°°·· "‘ consular inspectors while traveling and mspectinFhunder instructions from the Secretary of State, $15,000: Provided, at inspectors shall §§‘§,‘f’g;,,,,,_ be allowed actual and necessary expenses for subsistence, itemized, not exceeding an average of $5 per day. saumms or CONSULAR Assisrarxrs. For forty consular assistants as provided for by law, $46,600. °°“"1‘“"““““‘°‘ Posr ALLOWANCES ro cossuum orrrcnas: To enable the President, §,,°§§,§,' ,,,, in his discretion and in accordance with such regulations as he may gfgwguiguyglivmt prescribe, to make special allowances by way of additional compensa- " ' tion to consular and diplomatic officers in bellngerent countries and countries contiiguous thereto in order to adjust their official income to the ascertaine cost of living at the posts to which they may be assigned, $150,000. ALLOWANCE ron cnmcx HIRE AT UNITED srarns CONSULATES. Allowance for clerk hire at consulates, to be expended imder the °“""‘*°““"“""* direction of the Secretary of State, $493,000. sananms or mmnrxnrzns ro CONSULATES Di cnma, cnosmw, JAPAN, ANTD summa. Interpreters to be employed at consulates in China, Chosen, Japan ,,,,,,I "‘,,°,’,*’,,_‘°‘°‘“ “ and Siberia, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary oi State, $48,700. nxrnNsns or mrmnranrnns, GUAB.Ds, AND so mam, IN runxrsn DOMINIONS, AND so mars. Interpreters and guards at the consulates in the Turkish dominions ,,§f"°'”"“”· '“‘“"· Persia, Morocco, northern Africa, and at Zanzibar, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, $30,000. sanuzms or uansmns Fox OONSULAR COURTS. Marshals for the consular courts in China and Turkey, $10,000. °“""""