Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/576

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SIXTY ·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 416. 1916. 555 If the Governor General shall wnnrm the action of the auditor, ·*°”°¤°¤°PP°°l- he shall so mdorse the appeal and transmit it to the auditor, and the action shall thereupon be final and conclusive. Should the Governor General fail to sustain the action of the auditor, he shall forthwith transmit his grounds of disapproval to the Secretary of War, together with the appeal and the papers necessary to a proper understanding . of the matter. The decision of the Secretary of War in such case selrirliiiilaryiriicviiiiirli by shall be iinal and conclusive. - Sec. 26._ That the suggeme court and the courts of first instance ,,,,·$;”*“°°*°“ °‘ of the Philippine Islan shall ossess and exercise jurisdiction as i heretofore provided and such additional jurisdiction as shall hereafter be prescribed by_law. _The municipal courts of said islands shall M‘m*°lp°l°°“""· possess and exercise jurisdiction as now provided by law, subject in‘ all matters to such alteration and amendment as may be hereafter enacted by law; and the chief justice and associate justices of the §`,}’,§}°,1,§‘,E,"§§{‘,i§j supreme court shall hereafter be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Seiiiate of the United States. · The w§,,g°” *¤*”¤°° judges of the 00m*t of iirst instance shall be appointed by the Governor ` General, by and with the advice and consent of the Philippine Senate: PWM Provided, That the admiralty jurisdiction of the supreme court and lama-Jay jmsano. courts of first instance shall not be changed except by Act of Congress. "°,§:,,,,,ng com That m all cases pending under the olperation of existing laws, both “ criminal and civil, the jurisdiction sha continue until final judgment and determination. · Sec. 27. That the Supreme Court of the United States shall have e¤§`iiiii°$ semi °‘ jurisdiction to review, revise, reverse, modif , or affirm the final judjiji- ,.,°{,“*"““°“°¤ *P°°*· ments and decrees of the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands in Pin, p. 727- actions, cases, causes, and proceeding? now pending therein or hereafter determined thereby in which the Constitution or any statute, treaty, title, right, or privilege of the United States is involved, or in causes in which the va ue in controversy exceeds $25,000, or in which the title or possession of real estate exceeding in value the sum of $25,000, to be ascertained by the oath of either party or of other competent witnesses, is involved or brought in question; and such final judgluments or decrees may and can e reviewed, revised, reversed, mo ed, or aflirmed by said Supreme Court of the United States on appeal or writ of error by the party aggrieved within the same time, in the same manner, under the same regulations, and biy the same procedure, as far applicable, as the final judgments an decrees of the district courts of the United States. ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,08 Sec. 28. That the government of the Philippine Islands may giant Qmnf of fmncgises, franchises and rights, including the authorit to exercise the riv t of °*°·» ‘*“'h°‘*'°d· eminent domain, for the construction andy operation of woiilcs of public utilit and service, and may authorize sa1d_ works to be constructed andy maintained over and across the public property of the United States, including streets, highways, squares, and reservations, and ovcr similar property of the government of said lSlflD€lS, and may ado t rules and revulations under which the lprovmcral and municipal)govcrninents ori the islands may grant the right to use and occu y such public rlplroperty belonging to said Provinces or ,,m,m_ municipaiities: Prmzieled, at no private property shall be_damaged Gcnml r¤¤·¤·¤¢i¤¤¤~ or taken for any purplose under this section without just compensation, and that suc authority to take and occupy land shall not authorize the taking, use, or occupation of any land except such as is required for the actual necessargispiwposes for which the franchise is granted, and that no franc _ e or right shall be granted to any individual, firm, or corporation except under the conditions that it shall be subject to amendment, alteration, or sutgsmomrm by repeal by the Congress of the United States, and that lands or "°“g’°“· right of use and occupation of lands thus granted shall revert to the governments by which they were respectively granted upon the