Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/577

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556 SIXTY·FOUCRTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 416, 417. 1916. termination of the franchises and rights under which they were steer me bond granted or u n their revocation or repeal. _That all franchises or

 °°°‘ rights grantegounder this Act shall forbid the issue of stock or bonds

except in exchange for actual cash or for property at a fair valuation equal to the par value of the stool: or bonds so issued; shall forbid the declaring of stock or bond dividends, and, in the case of publicservice corpor:;t§ons,1phalf§ip1gciv1de fop the egectivp pegulgiggln céggkg h th , t 0 O1 mspec ion an regu a ion e iirillligaiszllzouiziltegoof siilch gorporations, and for the payment of a reasons able percentage of gross earnings into the treasury of the Ph1l1p;p1ne , _ Islands or of the Province or municipality within which such ran- I‘“°°'°°“°‘""“" chises are granted and exercised: fw‘¢7w(‘, Tlmt it Shin be unlawful for any corporation _0rgan1zed_ under this Act? or for any person, company, or corporation receiyuig ang; grant, ranchise, or concession from the government of said .1Sl8I1 , to. use, employ, or wrgialty hr viola- contract for the labor of persons in inv<il serv1tu_ e; and . · . co raionsovioa v eprovisionso lihliys yall(ghartr<i)1;, grants, or francli-ises for doing business in said islands, in an action or proceeding brought for that pig-pose in any court of compettelpt jurisdiction py any gzilicer og Ellie " nt oron ecompaintoan ciizeno e mi?iiirgii$riiich' T“l3§%’“"’ are rfslgsae are It sh cri ,an in ionsa ee yoan otlfbbtsée, alid becpunished bg fine of not more $10,000.

ey1eg•. Sec. 29. lghutiucexclgptftisil   Act 0th$rWise·p;°o(§’1l¢ged£hth§ gal-

¤·¤<>¤· fallt 0 ia o e ppmesno appoin y e resiiillelrlioincludirtig deputies, assistants, and other employees, shall be ` such and be so paid out of the revenues of the Philippines as shall from time to time badetermmed by the Philippine Legislature- and if the legislature shall fail to make an i;ppropriation for_ such salaries, Oman, ml ,,p_ the salaries so fixed shall be paid F1 out the necessity of further ' 0 e offices o e ari us as str by M me ¤erP*e*1°“ft&;m£;"· 'oThgfllzixclifolhbllglililicbsmeegdaaupdilhltgdses speemeu. herein provided by theTI;residentas%1al1 also be ou}; of the revenues f th Phill ines. e annu salaries 0 e 0 owing -name icifficials ap oillted by the President and so to be paid shall e: _The Governor (general, $18,000; addition thereto he shall be entitled to the occupanc of the b\1.I.ld1.§S heretofore used gy the chief executive of the Phigppines, with e furniture and e ects therein, free of rental; vice governor, $10,000; chief justice of the supreme court, $8,000; associate justices of the supreme court, $7,500 each; auditor, $6,000; deputy auditor, $3,000. - _ '}'°'*“g,"‘ °°° "“" Si-ac. 30. That the provisions of the foregom section shall not apply NWO dm to provincial and municipal officials; their siaries and the compensation of their de uties, assistants, and other help, as well as all other expenses incurred, lg the Provmcesland mimicipalitites, shall be paid 0 t of the rovinci an munici a revenues in suc manner as the Law! mt H mg Pliilippin; legislature shall proville. _ _ · I commas:. Sec. 31.H1That all laws cp plarts of laws appliggblp to t.hehPlnll:pprnee f 'twit anyoteprov1sionsof ctare ere - ll(i1uie[il(iiriDfo1?ce and effect. I y can Approved, August 29, 1916.

 CQAP. 417:-:Au Act Making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year

[Public, Ne. 241.] ending June thimeth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and for other purposes. gaps suvseeeppm- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentativee of the United P"’“"°"S‘ States of America an Congress assembled, 'Fllaa the. following sums be, and they are herebg, appropriated, to be tpaid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, or the naval service of