606 SIX'1"Y—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. For repairs and improvement of machinery and implements at plant at navy yard, Boston, Massachusetts, $25,000. For repairs and improvement of machinery and implements at plant at navy yard, _New York, New York, _$35,000. _ For repairs and improvement of machinery and implements at plant at navy yard, _Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, $25,000. lFor repairs ang 1IrIn;;rfoLem`?nt of machinery and implements at p ant at navy yar , 0 0 , irginia, $35,000. For repairs and improvement of machinery and implements at plant at navy yard, Charleston, South Carolina, $10,000. For repairs and improvement of machinery and implements at plant at navy yard, _Mare Island, California, $35,000. For repaus and improvement of machinery and implements at plant at navy yard, Puget Sound, Washingt0n,_$25,000. gii?:¤i:§.°‘Smm Em BUREAU or srnm nimmnnmns.
i"’ Enerimimruqz For repairs, preservation, and renewal of machinery,
auxiliary machinery, and be ers of naval vessels, yard craft, and ships boats, dxstilling and refrigerating apparatus; repa1rs, preservation, and renewal of electric interior and exterior signal communications and all electrical appliances of whatsoever nature on board naval vessels, except range finders, battle order and range transmitters and mdicators, and motors and their controlling apparatus used to operate machinery belonging to -other bureaus; maintenance and operation of coast signal service, including e uses of office of Eqmpmm mph superintendent of radio service and the purchase gud as neeemaiky fordsiteshfor radio shore stations; equipage, supplies, and gnateri
- ,6
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. . . v . · an .8 PS 8* mc mstallgiion, repair, |Ll1d5H`6S61jVBt10D of machinery, tools, ialzid appli; ances in navy yards an stations; ay of classified force under the bureau; incidental expenses for naval) vessels, navy yards and stations, mspectors’ offices, the engmeering experiment station, such as md,m,_g“ph,c photographing, techmcal books, and periodicals, stationery, and work. instruments; instruments and apparatus, supplies, and technical PWM. books and periodicals necessary to carry on experimental and research emot, ec., M. work in radxotolegraphy at the naval radio laboratory; Promkled ’°°’· the sun; to befiiiid ppt of tviis approririagtiion, under the direction oeSecrearyoea, `,a,f',` ' messenger service in navy y:.ryds,01i.a(ira(il·l;n>t‘ations oliilisizlicgcdioillhnagd States inspectors of machinery and enginoerin ’material for the fiscal Rm Sham mmm year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen shall ms not exceed $$01,876.28: Prcnnkied furtlwr, That the sum to bi; paid Transfer or buds out of this appropriation for the purchase of land for sites for radio ,,0.,, oem, 4,,.,,, shore statnonsshall not exceed $10,000: Provided ftmim- Thug such “°°’“* land of the United States under the control of a particular ile artment gig vhlvanclh ofgthe Government that has been or may hereafter .t,,,t,, ,2’,fZ,°°p,,,i,¥2,S,€‘ i,‘°J§’.§,&§$‘,i‘? '“dt° ’}°"“,‘i" “‘,{"" by . . . . r O 811 mdb mommy, gggfgogtghggwsdgpgon of tahle Navy Deplartment fgraiige alsnaerliairlail Gl' DEV \l_1"p0g&; ' Meme f§t2},,€3‘3’,?‘§‘rii,T¤`i"§,`f§,‘Z22d*E?Pt3l’?’i%’f,‘Z,%§$“ ““f“"’ ”,“‘ga;°:§g mel of the foregoing and of current appropriationguaizhglayrbgtnzbegsldi; _ _ ma used to complete the construction of the m hm ,,’§°‘”°D‘§,°§§"; S‘§§f; fue ship Maumee; Pmtgded {,,,.,;,,,3,. That ,m dim my °f up P»¤¤·ii¤a- ‘ atpplropriatipn of not exceeding $10,000 for tii?6;ilurd;h`l;s?eu{dgdrdci]di abc ction o antennae and supports for the State, War, and Navy auglagtmeint Buildings for_the use of the naval radio service is hereby rnze , in all, engineering, $9,056,376.;*8: Provided further,