SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 417. 1916. 607 That an e nditure nmder this a °ation of not exceedin P¤·¤¤=¤¤¤¤=¤>¤f~¤ $4,500 18 aullgliriaed for the installatidiiuffpdq pneumatic tube betweerl ]J.l•aI:x.m°m; to Naw the communication office in the State, War, and Navy Building, . and the branch communication office in the Navy annex. }I1gh—power radio stations: For the completion of high-power ,,gS_’¤**‘P°'°"*°*°**•* radio stations (cost not_to exceed $1,500,000lZ to be located as fol- 0¤¤¤r>1¤¤¤¤. lows; One in the _Isthm1an Canal Zone, one on the California coast, one in the Hawaiian Islands, one in American Samoa, one on the island of Guam, and one in the Philippine Islands, $300,000, to be avgilablle until expended. or the construction of propelling engines for the North Dakota, , ,E;gj*°°'°*$P°°*°°d Eiilggg Oggayrant, and Henley, to be available until expended, 7 7 ‘ Engineering experiment station, United States Naval Academ E¤¢'¤¤°!*¤¢ ¤¤wi· Annapolis, Maryland——Ex(perimental and research work: For originzl miiiipidaiiniiw, ew., mvestigation and extends exgerimentation of naval appliances; and "°“`k‘ for the p1u·chase of such mac 'nes and auxiliaries considered applicable for test and use in the naval service, and for maintenance of buildings and grounds, $85,000. - ` Equipment of building: For extension of steam, air, and water E‘*‘“m"”‘ "““‘”’*· lines, and electric circuits; for foundations for machinery; for;purchase and installation of additional testing instruments and apparatus, $20,000. = Maommmr rnamrrsz For repairs and imgrovements of machinery “’°*”“”Pl“*** plants at navy yards at Portsmouth, New azmpshire, $25,000; Boston, Massachusetts, $35,000; New York, New ork, $25,000· Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, $25,000· Norfolk, Viginia, $25,000; Charleston, South Carolina, $20,000; liars Island, aliefornia, $25,000; and Puget Sound, Washington, $20,000; in all, $200,000. NAVAL acannur. Naw! Awww. PAY or rnomcssons arm ormnns, Navar. Acanmnr: Pay of pro- P¤¥°'P*°*¤°¤*·°*¤· fessors and instructors, $175,000: Promkied, That the Secretary of ,’3g;‘;**y;mM 0,- m_ the Navy is authorized to employ at the Naval Academy such number 1¤é¤¤,ew.,m¤¤¤1l)•¤. of pliofessors and instructors, including one professor as librarian, as, in opinion, may be necessary for the proper instruction of the midshipmen; and that professors and instructors so employed shall receive such compensation for their services as may be prescribed by the Secret of the Navy: Provided further, That the total amount T°°°1"°’"'“"°°‘ so paid shag not exceed $175,000 armuallyz And promkled further, That the Secretary of the Navy shall report to Congress each year ·*¤'¤•‘*’P°'°- the number of pro essois and instructors so employed and the amount of compensation prescribed for each. _ N to No part of any sum in this Act appropriated shall be ex§nded in ,.42,5*% dm-°°,;°”ci.’ the pa; or allowances of any commissioned officer of the ag de- ‘"‘”“”- tailed or duty as an instructor at the United States Naval Ac emy to perform duties which were dperformed by civilian instructors on January first, nineteen himdre and thirteen. _ One swordmhster, $1,600; one assistant, $1,200; and two assist- I““'°“"’·°°°· ants, at $1,000 each; two instructors in lphysical training, at $1,500 each; and one assistant instructor in p ysical trainmg, at $1,000; and one instructor in gymnastics, $1,200; one assistant librarian, ‘ $2,160; one cataloiier, $1,200; and two shelf assistants, at $900 each; one secretary of is c Naval Academy, $2,400; two clerks, at $1,500 each; four c erks, at $1,200 each; four clerks, at $1,000 each; four clerks, at $900 each; four clerks, at $840 each; one stenographer at $840; one draftsman, $1,200; one s1u·veyor, $1,200; services of organist at chapel, $300; one captain of the watch, $1,100;' one second captain of the watch, $1,000; twenty-two watchmen, at $900 each; three telephone switchboard operators, at $600 each; one