SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I.` Ch. 417. 1916. 609 Marurnumon arrn nnrmms, Navar. Acanmnz For eral main- ”¤*¤¤¤*¤°° md ¤* tenance and repairs at the Naval Academy, namely: gbl; necess Nm repairs of public buildings, wharves, and walls inclosing the grounaiig of the Naval Academy, im rovements, repairs, and Extures; for books, periodicals, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repair of fire engines; fire apparatus and plants; machinery; urchase and _ rnarntenance of all horses and vehic es for use at the academy, includ- P””°‘°' “h‘°l"‘ ing the maintenance, operation, and repair of three horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehic es to be used only for official purposes; seeds and plants; tools and repairs of the same; stationery; furniture for Government buildings and offices at the academy; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; attendance on light and power plants; cleamng and clearing up station and care of buildings; attendance on fires, lights, fire eniigrces, fire apparatus, and lants, and telephone, telegraph, and c k systems; incidental labor; advertising, water tax, postage, telephones, telegrams, tolls, and ferriage; flags and awnings; packing boxes; fuel for heating and lighting bandsmen’s quarters; pay 0 inspectors and draftsmen; music, musical and gggrprégmrcal mstruments; and for the pay of employees on leave, , 4. at . Rent of buildings for the use of the academy, and commutation of Rmrent for bandsmen, at $8 per month each,·$4,116. In all, Naval Academy, $703,94692. .~ ‘ mums conrs. .- WM wv- Par, ·Mumm Cours: Pay of officers, active list: For a and hongallowances prescribed by law of officers on the active list, iiiclruding , ’°°uv°H°t' clerks for assistant paymasters, nine, and for the following additional officers herebi authorized, $1,421,849. ‘ Hereafter the total number of commissioned officers of the active P"` list of the line and staff of the Marine Corps, exclusive of officers borne ,_u*g:¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤=¤ dimion the Navy list as additional numbers, shall be four per centum of ' the total authorized enlisted strength of the active list of the Marine Corps, exclusive of the Marine Band, and of men under sentence of discharge by court·martial, distributed in the proportion of one oflicer with rank senior to colonel to four with the rank of colonel to five with the rank of lieutenant colonel, to foiuteen with the rank oi ma 'or, to thirty-seven with the rank of captain, to thirty-one with the ranik of first lieutenant, to thirty-one with the rank of second lieuten- PWM ant: Provided {further, That brigadier generals shall be appointed rmpmér mem;. from officers o the Marine Corps senior rn rank to lieutenant colonel: Mmmm to Provided further, That the promotion to the grade of brigadier gen- cies. eral of any officer now or hereafter carried as an additional number in the grade or with the rank of colonel shall be held to iill a_ vacancy swam - in the grade of brigadier eneral: Provided lfurlhcr, That in deter- ’· minin the officers with rand: senior to colone there shall be included mor gum, mm the oécer serving as ma'or general commandant:_ promdedfur- msxmime. ther, That appointments irereafter made to the positron of mapor gen- ,,,,,,‘{*’°‘“‘“‘°‘“’ h°"°' eral commandant under the provisions of the ct aplproved - v,,,_ 37, ,,_ M ber nineteenth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, entrt ed "An Act to make the tenure of office of the major general commandant of the Marine Corps for a term of four years," shall be made from officers of the active list of the Marine Corps not below the rank of colonel: Sem, mg mmm Provided further, That the officers serving in the senior grade of the made sagem gem- Adjutant and Inspectors, Quartermastefs, and Paymastefs Dggart- °‘“· ments shall, while serving therein, have the rankwggy, and ow- Rm H mmm to ances of a brigadier general: And provided further, t for the pur- wmpmnue. e of determining the number of officers in the various ranks as hgrsein provided such staff officers shall be counted as being of the 91890°—vor. 39-+1- 1--39