610 SIXTY—FOURTH. CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. ?¤t¤¤¤2¤¤*•¤¤¤ *2*5- rank of colonel: And prmn}Zed further That officers holding permai$°}$hgb¤i•?ii1°iHm° nent appointments in the staff depairtments shall not be eligible · {lor aplpcpmtment tpedthe grade of brigadier general of the line as SM <>¤i¤¤¤· eilllalircl soliiil gdihvrhissioned personnel of the active list of the staff
- ‘*°P°m°¤¤*¤¤“°· departments, whether serving therein under permanent appointments or under temporary detail, as_herem provided, shall be eight
_ p ger centum of the authorized COII1II1.lSSIOD8d strength of the Marine D*"*S*°¤— _ orps, and of this total one-fifth shall constitute the adyutant and mspecitiprils pllppartment, one-iiftlii the paymester’s department, and three- t s e quartermaster’s epartment.
- >¤
- ¤·¤¤¤¤•·¢¢•>¤- _ No further dpermanent apéppintments shall be made in any grade
,h,'},,{{,‘f'°" g’“° "°“‘ in any staff epartment. y vacancy hereafter occuring in the lower grade of any staff department shall be filledby the etail of an officer of the line for a period of four years unless sooner relieved; Uv¤¤*s¤¤¤¤· any vacancy hereafter occurring in the upper grade of any stall department shall be filled by the appointment of an officer with the rank of colonel holding a permanent appointment m the staff depart~ ment m which the vacancy exists, or of some other officer holding a permanent appointment in such staff department in case there be no permanent staff officer the rank o colonel in that department, Tm (mma ml or of a colonel of the lme in case there be no officer holding a perrnas · nent appointment m such staff degartment. Such zpppomtments _ shall be made by tlre_Prea1dent an be for a term_o our years, arpldeplheprigicetr sie appointed shall be recommrssioned m the grade to w 1 a in e . cm, m,,,€"‘§°°,,§,‘;E That prior to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, an P°*¤*°d ¤¤ W ¤¤¤· officer ho ding a permanent appointment in any staff department may, upon own application, with the approval of the President, be reappointed in the line of the Marine in the grade and with the ran hie would holpl on the grate of his reaiapointment. if he had re- ' · . _ mame continuous y in the ez Promkied h t Hi h ldin
HM permanent appointment in ang staff depai·trneai1tIsl)1dll ltigrregomrrii;
,,,,,,,,,,',,,,,_ sroned in the hne with the ran of colonel or lieutenant colonel: Pro-
f urther, That such staff officer shall, before being reappointed in
the hue of tthehMar·ine Corps aps above provided, perform line duties for oneyear a thecx iraf hihtun h " ‘ reappoinlsment in the liiiznbgi rzqutired t:es(t;l}ili·d1l18?oath;°;·§.l;11I§?¢i‘ili¢lr€l) gsanhexamining boprd consisting of line officers of tho Marine Corps nmpiuylsica , menta , and professional fitness for the performance of ,,,QE{,¥*,§,‘§}“"°“ °‘ ¤’°‘ That or the u o of advancement in rank to and l d` the gpgde of coloneg arll)(i·:l>mmissioned officers of the line anll1(st1rl.ffIi§ the E _ _ rme Corps shall be placed on a common hst IH the order of seniorit ·°*“‘“"°‘— '"°‘· °’°· each would hold had e remained continuously in the line, All ad}: vancements rn rank to ca tam, major, lieutenant colonel and colonel shall, subject to the usual examinations, be made from loflicers with tlliserpelzit ]h1rn1}pi£l;·espect1ve rank, whether of the line or staff, in the Second Hmmm. o A hwwerg to tear narges pppear on said hst. _ _ déIp§g,.,m,,,,S ,,0,, _ ppc e gra e o second heutenant, if appointed from civil life, s all b_» between the ages of twenty and twenty-five years and before rece1_v1ng a commission in the Marine Corps each a pdintee shall establish to the satisfaction of the Secretar hf th Il) hi mental, physical, moral and rofessional ualifi f 6 {Wy S P’°°"'”· . mission: Promded` The ’Presid) t f h of ca mus or Such comgiiggrmer emma in. is authorized b , d _ en 0 the United States be, and hereby , _ , y an with the advice and consent of the Senate to . gpappggtcszsrggcppdaigufsngntg can pho active list in the United States wm is it stands at at at of £a§tfm‘.§§’§n‘l{ ‘£E$m’“§E 3$§;Z3“.§i l‘§`§“§i’3£S · ggrpsglho relsrgped from the naval service in good standing: Promklcd, a ey s a estabhsh their moral, physical, mental, and profes-