SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. 611 sional quahfications to perform the duties of that ade to the satisfaction of the Secretary o the _Navy: Provided furtgnzr, That the Secre- Azeiimitwsiveh tary of the Navy, in his discretion, ma waive the a e limit in favor of the aforesaid former officers of the llgarine Corps: Prwakled further, S°"*°° That the lprior service of such officers and the service after reinstatement sha _ be not less than thirty years before the age of retirement. That appointments from noncommissioned officers of the Marine Corps ,,,P@{}'{*}§,‘;“'Y6,cP““d and from civil life shall be for a probationary period of two years and www- " apr may be revoked at any time during that period by the Secretary of the Navy: Provided further, That the rank of such officers of the same mf,’,§”’“"””‘*°¤ °‘ date of appointment among themselves at the end of said probation- ° ary period shall, with the afpproval of the Secretary of the Navy, be determined by the report o a board of Marine officers who shall con- ,,,§{’,§},}SF’°***i"° mm duct a competitive professional examination under such rules as may ` be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy and the rank of such officers so determined shall be as of date of original appointment with reference to other appointments to the Marine Corps: Prc·videdfur— _ V ther, That no midshi man at the United States Naval Academy or Shi{°§’$°h?,§§”°§,'§';°,g cadet at the United States Military Academy who fails to graduate ‘°"g¤ **°¤°°*’¤°°- therefrom shall be eligible for a pomtment as a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps until aftertlie graduation of the class of which he w°·i·ifmii°b°r' gm; r C {1 4 ii; M md at the warrant es 0 marine gunner an uartermaster c er ° ¢““°°' are hereby established, and the appointment as lferein pgeseribed of 38 ;i¤if·ii>k`•s- twenty maringéunners and twenty ryplartermaster cler is hereby °°` authorized. cers in those grades s ll have the rank and receive APP°’“"”°““· °’°· the ?y, allowances and privileges of retirement of warrant officers in the avy. They shall be appointed from the noncommissioned officers of the Marine Corps an clerks to q_uartermasters now serving as such and who have performed field service. That officers of the Marine Corps with the rank of colonel who shall m§§°*,fs°?}‘gQdfg, g°;f_ have served faithfull for forty-five years on the active list shall, when ¤r¤£;vi retired, have the rang of brigadier general; and such officers who shall °°' hereafter be retired at the age of sixty-four years before having served for forty-five years, but who shall have served faithfully on the active list until retired, shall, on the completion of fort years from their entry in the naval service, have the rank of brigarher general. The President is hereb authorized within two years after the ap- ,,S§°§,§g;*;,}{,°“Q,}f,§_(*;°’,j; proval of this Act, by and, with the advice and consent of the Senate, bgpggi for physical dis to transfer to the active list of the Marine Corps or Navy Pay Corps ° y' any officer under fifty years of agp who may ave been transferred from the active list to theretired `stof the arine Co;psorNavy Pay Corps by the action of any retirineg board for phésic disability incurred in the line of duty: Provid , That such officer shall be trans- §;°”°g:- mind ferred to the place on the active list which he would have had if he number. had not been retired, and shall be carried as an additional number in the grade to which he may be transferred or at any time thereafter Comm promoted: Provided further, That such officer s establish to the °"S‘ satisfaction of the Secretary of the Navy his mental, moral, professional, and physical qualifications to perform the duties on the active Exsmmmous W list of the grade to which he is transferred. The pfovisions of sections quasi. fourteen hundred and ninety-three and fourteen undred and nmetly- p_*§_.§··*°°S· ""“·“°‘· four of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall apply to the . Marine Co . . _ _ _ In lieu rliiiuspension from promotion of any officer of the Marine ,,,,?,,‘§,'§{,‘,,§“{],{'}.‘§,§§’,,f}{,Z Corps who hereafter fails to pass a satisfactory professional examine- tiggig 0, mm um of tion for promotion, or who is now under su“?ension from promotion mspeusirm. by reason of such failure, such officer shall s er loss of num ers, upon approval of the recommendation of the examining board, rn the respective ranks, as follows: Lieutenant colonel, one; major, two; cap-