SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. 62] with the approval of the Secre of War, $35,350: Provided, That *"°”‘·’°· officers in tliie grade of second liigtenant in the Field Artillery may ¤¤i11iigu$iii§iy_s°° be assigned, for the [Fried of one year, to batteries stationed at 1°’"“°"°° °°°“l" the School of Fire for ield Artillery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for the purpose of pursuing courses of practical instruction in field artillery rim Anmranr GENERAL,B nnrsnmmr. 1>·ii>(ii·lii·iii»1¤i¤.Gen°mlS Courmemxcins, Hnanqvanrnas or Minrranr Dmranrumrrrs, t£3§‘ui.i$“°i°s °° Disrmcrs, nm TAGTICAL CoMmANns: For contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several territorial departments, territorial districts, tactical divisions and brigades, including the Staff Corps serving thereat, for the purchase of the necessary articles of office, toilet, and des furniture, stationery, ice, and potable water for office use when necessary, binding, maps, techmcal books of reference, professional and technical newspapers and periodicals, pgyment for which may be made in advance, and police utensils to allotted by the Secretary of War, and to be expended in the discretion of the commanding officers of the severa departments, districts, and tactical commands, $7,500. cum? or coasr mrmnmr. t °* °°•~**·*¤'*”· Ooasr Anmrmr Scuoor., Fonr Momion, Vmemu: For inci- ,{,§,‘§},},;§ dental e nses of the school, including chemicals, stationery, printing V•· and binxmgéi; hardware; materials; cost of special instruction o officers de ed as instructors; employment of temporaiiy, technical or special services; extra-duty pay to soldiers necessari y employed for periods not less than ten ays as artificers on work in addition to and not strictly in line with their military duties, as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithographers, photographers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheelwrnghts, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; for office fiuniture and fixtures, machinery, and unforeseen expenses, $10,000; For purchase of engines, generators, motors, machines, measuring ,,,§*’°°““ "*’*’°"""* instruments, special apparatus and materials for the division of the enlisted specia 'sts, $7,000; ‘ For purchase of special apparatus and materials and for experimental pmposes for the department of artillery and land defense, $3 000; For purchase of engines, generators, motors, machines, measuring ,,,§,,“€,*§‘f,§,'§§ “° instruments, special apparatus and materials for the department o » en `necrin and mine defense, $5,500; _ ' gior purgiase and binding, of professional books treating of military and scientific subjects for li rary, for use of school, and for temporary use in coast defenses, $2,500. _ _ ’ Pmmded, That section thirt -six hundred and forty-eight, Revised §,°;,°',L“g,,;,s_ Statutes, shall not apply to subscriptions for foreign and professional R-S·.=¤·=·¤M»¤·¤& newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this appropriation. _ Provided further, That purchase of typewriting machines, to be paid §`§,",,‘§"*,,§‘?,‘,,S,,·,,,,,,,,.,,,1 for from this a propriation, may be made at the special price allowed to schools teadliing stenography and typewriting without obligatmg t writer companies to supply these machines to all departments 0 tl`ig6Gover¤ment at the same price. ‘ ormcr: or run cumr sierra:. orrxcmz. S""“S°'“°°· Sieeur. Smzvxcn or run Amar: For expenses of the Signal Service E‘¤"“°* of the Army, as follows: Purchase, equipment, and repair of field electric telegra hs, radio installations, signal equipments and stores, binocular gliisses, telescopes. heliostats, and other necessary instru-