Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/643

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622 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. ' ding ecess teor l °o l instruments for use on &6gtii;’rii..i1tg§s; motllorcychi-sya1I$imot(i>1i)-glliizen vehicles used for technical and official purposes; professional and scientific lgooks of ref<—§·- ence, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, and maps, or use in the W=* *>•“¤¤¤¤· ek- office of the Chief ignal Officer; war alloons and airslups and acces- °1”Ps’°t°` series, including their maintenance and_repa1r; teletphone apparatus (exclusive of exchange service) and maintenance 0. tgie same; lelocé Zi§‘°“1é“°“"“°‘°‘iS “mE°¤1“f$§}?;‘i‘F.§-’i%Zl‘a”.i1‘t¥uE?§YS;¤¤§§?’s$.Ttt§§t224 rec on a a us _ _ _ repair of lines and cables, including salaries of civilian employees, suppheshgeneral repairs, reseryed supplies, and other expenses connected wi the duty of collecting an transmitting Iangpwrgiegp P . · ti f th Arm b telegraph or otherwise, $14,281 766: ·r _

 un-   That noi}? miire than $13,281,666 of the foregding appropriai

"°‘· tion shall be used for the purchase, manufacture, maintenance, operation, and repair of airships and other aerial machines and accessories necessary in the aviation section; gp the purchase, nrainteniainpe, . d operation of motor-prope , passengencarrying ve c es sngiallg r°°°m° in wm hiriiiiy be necessary for the ‘·aviation section: Promded further, That OTIILIB sum last al;Hv§6men8plio1t::pdf$900,000, or 30 nauch there0f ma necessary w av a e or paym an otherwnse proiidingyfor such officers of the Officers’ Reserve (grps of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps and such enlisted men of the Enlisted hg www Resecfive Corps of the Aviatioiia Section cz the Sigphal Corps as may bg _ calle into active service: 1-omdcd' rther, at not to excee mm $50,000 of the above, sum bel available forfthe paypéent of al; e nses in connection wit e eve opment o a suita e type o aiiiiilsioliiamotor, under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescri . ’ · _ Av*¤**>¤*¤=¤¤¢*i·>¤~ Provided further, That not more than $500 of the foregoing shall be used for the cost of special technical instruction of officers of said section. d';$:g·g:;§s with Promklcd further, That hereafter in the settlement of transactions ° between a propriations under the Si al Co , or between the Si al C r dpanother office or bureau oilthe Wrsiis Departm t fgn o an en , or 0 any otheii? executive department of the_ Government, paggnent therefor shall be made by the proper disbursing officer of the ignal Corps, or of the office, bureau, or epartment concerned. mf,,‘{;"“°° ‘°‘¤“"°‘ Pmmided further, Thatliereaftor whenever contracts which are not _ to be performed within sixt days are made on behalf of the Government y the Chief Signal gilicer, or by officers of the Signal Corps authorized to make them, and are in excess of $500 in amount, such contracts phallll behreduced to writing and tsggned by the contracting parties. n a other cases contracts shall entered int d h _ _ _ regplations as may be prescribed by the Chief Signal Oifibiiiii Br suc s,,§,{,$,°tgr "m'°° URCHASE OF LAND IN THE STATE OF CALIFORN1A FOR AVIATION sgnom. runrosnsg For the acquisitionglliy purchase or by condemna- · tion, of a site or sites in the State of C ornia for an aviation school and training d%o15nds of the Signal Corps of the United States Army, not to excee 3 0,000. 8,,j"‘°“°“ md 5***** The Secretary of War is herepy authorized to accept for the United {_ Accgwnm ¤m¤¤¤· States from any_citizen of the nited States a donation of a tract or ‘°“ ‘ ’ tracts of land suitable and desirable his judgment for the urposes of an awation field and remount station, the terms of the donation also to authorize the use_ef the property donated for any other service A mm t H d of the Lnited States which may heres ter appear desirable. _ _ ,0; g*},,,,,,’}g,€°P,,@p0*;*;s' The Secretagy of War is directed to investigate the suitability of php: ressnetmn avail- the various ml italy reservations for aviation purposes, and should ’ any of the reservations be_ found not suitable and not available for aviation he is authorized, m his discretion, to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, for the United States of America, such