SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. 633 Tnairsronrarron or *1*111: Amrr Arm rrs SUPPLIES: For trans- mmpomtma. portation of the Army and its sulpplies, including transportation of the troops when moving either by and or water, and of their baggage, including the cost of packing and crating; for transportation of recrmts and recruiting part1es;_of ap(plicants for enlistment between recruiting stations and recrnnting epots; for travel allowance to "°"·P·8¤— enlisted men on discharge, and members of the National Guard who gig; beeigl 11ttqhth%_p1ervicePof)vti5;edUr1f%ed States and are P arge or p ysica a 1 `ties: r at ereafter when '°”*·’°*· . an enlisted man having ten or more years’ service in the Army is mi-i¤ °iiiistaig discharged on account of disability incurred in the line of duty, °l”h°y` transportation of his authorized change of station allowance of baggage from his last duty station to his home in addition to other travel allowances fixed by law may be authorized by the Secretary of War; Provided further, That when members of the National ,,s§gf':1*:g, vutmg Guard, who have been mustered into the service of the United States, www mm have been discharged under the order of the War Department which provides that members of the National Guard with dependent amilies may be mustered out, transportation from their position on the Mexican border to their homes ma be authorized by the Secreé tary of War of persons on their discliiarge from the United States disciplinary barracks or from any place in which they have been held under a sentence of dishonorab e discharge and confinement for more than six months or from the Government H ital for the Insane after transfer thereto from such barracks or (Slides, to their homes (or elsewhere as they may elect), provided the cost in each case shall not be greater than to the place of last enlistment; of supplies furnished to the militia for the permanent equipment thereof; _ of the necessary agents and other employees, including per diem I'°""°'““bS‘S‘°¤°°- allowances in lieu o subsistence not exceeding $4 for those authorized to receive the per diem allowance; of clothing and equipage and other quartermaster stores from Army depots or places of purchase or delivery to the several posts and Army depots and from t ose depots to the troops in the field; of horse equipment; of ordnance an ordnance stores and small arms from the foundries and armories to the arsenals, fortifications, frontier posts, and Army depots; for payment of wharfage, tolls, and ferriages; for transportation of fun s of the Army; for the hire of emlployees; for the payment of Army trans; m§’¤‘;{a”,}§°*;,§‘_*° *°¤d· portation lawfully due suc land-grant railroads as have not received aid in Government bonds (to be adjusted in accordance with the . decisions of the Supreme Court in cases decided under such landgrant acts), but in no case shall more than fifty per centum of full B _ I mia amount of service be paid: Promkied, That such compensation shall ”'°° °°"“’“ 'L be computed upon the basis of the tariff or lower special rates for like transportation performed for the public at large and shall be mt t to accepted as in full for all demands for such serv1ce:_ romdedfartlwr, mashaPt°;¤$°°aiasa That in explqnding the money appropriated by this Act a railroad company w `ch has not received aid in bonds of the United States, and which obtained a grant of public land to aid m the construction of its railroad on condition that such railroad should be a post route and military road, subject to the use of the United States or postal, military, naval, and other Govemment services, and also subject to such regulation as Congress may impose restricting the cha§e_ for such Government transportation, having claims against the ·l1}l`£d States for transportation of troops and munitions o war and military sup lies and property over suc aided railroads, shall be paid out of the mone s appropriated by the foregoing provision only on the basis of such rate for the transplortation of such troops and mumtions of war and military supp 'es and (property as the Secretary of War shall deem just and remonable un er the oregoing provision, such rate not to exceed fifty per centum of the compensation for