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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/655

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634 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. such Government transportation as shall at that time be charged Fun to and paid by private parties to any such company for like and mds_P°Y°°°°°°°P°°° sgxular ttéra(psport:}t1p1ni; agi (tihe amlo1}nt so éixed to bgngaidmstljiszg accep as m u or eman s or suc service: further, That nothing in the preceding] provisos shall be miiistrued tguprevent the accounting officers of the Government from making f payment to land-grant railroads for transportation of Eropert or persons where the courts of the States have held t at such property or persons do not come withm the scope of the deductions m1:*§m*¤** 1*** ¤¤*· grrzlfvided for in the landtgrant Acts; for the purchase and hire of t and pack animals in such numbers as are actually required for the service, including reasonable provision for replacing unserviceable ammals; for the purchase, hire, operation, maintenance, and repair of such harness, wagons, carts, drays, other vehicles, and motor-propelled and horse-drawn passengencarrying vehicles, as are · for téhe transportation of trioopsdgid supplies, and for official, mi an garrison urposes; or dcartag tth mp“’b°'°"’°*“‘ zgveral izllepots; (for the Eirehiof tgoamsteissaiifi 0Eer emplolyegs; fo; epurcasean repairos ts essels df thai transportation of tiioops Fahd siippliiils sgndcioi oHicisi·Eq1]i111l`l€itar(_y2;. an garrison purposes; or expenses o 8.rl].Il§· F bl` t rts other vessels on_the various rivers, the G ldf giieiiielcipoand atrhe E I0 mm Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, $23,000,000. » ,,,,,,,"§’ "°°’°“ Provided jfurther, That $75,000 of the appropriation hereby made S lc { t shall be available for additional pagsgf emplo ees on harbor boats, Bw; ..,{,d_ L°},‘,§,; quartermaster service, m heu of su tence: lgrovided H/`urthe1·, That °¤¤>¤" 3pSthont%1s heiebydgrantedtlgiin Secregary of glar to lee or otiherwise poeeo maeco ancewi awanregula ,t U` wm M Arpxiy transports Meade and Crook. ODS 6 mtg States ·°"“"· · a·rnn AND snwnns xr MILITARY ros : F uring d t ducing water to premisesrsat si)1IcliHii)1ilitary stations as from their situation require it to be brought from a gisiitance; £>}r°rth¢;'hmstaHation ind egiexjlion of plumbing within dings e e same is n ° apprgprigfions; for the piiirchgd) asdxiiiepiiir of Iiiigvdggduiihstnmzlnlidf ing_ e·armsystems·_or edisposalof dexpe inggiéliezgxtt therzlto, mgluding thet;I1;1thor·i3ed <?F° p)aper_;D?<(if· _ o wa er an sewer s s an p ing within uildings;

 ig; moi ¤¤;1;k¤§¤$; and pliiiilmtigaacipu ofccamyé sites, ianuding ,

· _ a r ms a on o w construction of roads and the constructionaofrtg?npe?x?a‘;;r lgizhediliséi mess shelters, latrmes, bath houses and storehouses for the storage and safe keeping of splpphes at mobilization camps in the several States for the forces c ed or drafted into the service of the United Available from June , xa;;i;¤g &¤;l1,t§4b;O3B:;.)d0able from June eighteenth, nineteen hundred

  • ¤¤d wmv Cnornme arm cam Arm oamusorz ·

dgurdaun. ui e. . EQUIPAGE. F I th, ] , m °q M materials, and for the purchase and manufacture o(frcl:o2hingwf)<;·E=1iii;e Army, for issue and for sale at cost price according to the Army Regulations; for payment for clothing not drawn due to enlisted men on discharge; for altering and fitting clothing and washing and clean- ?)g1 when necessargg fer eguipage, includmlgs authorized issues of p.£¤$铧§‘fa¤Z3“¤t‘i.ai‘€ “"`°°F” "€§“‘i ’ f°' ‘“° °‘ g°“““l , os s wx apilhcakts for enhstmentawliile held iiiidxerpdgsgdvggghvgligseiearhti to et kits to recruits upon their first enlistment, and issue, of house- Wives to_the Army; for expenses of packing and handling and similar pnece;sgni?;; sg`;i§1t of cixens carter clothing, te cost, not exceed- > uP°¤ ease om conii.11 t t h ` hmmm for de_ wllo has been_con5.ned under a 00U.!'i}-IH8Tt?;Tl18;10Dt(;l$(&f: i ·¤»y·¤·¤·€i¤»¤,·a. jgsgongwblf discharge; for indeumity to einem and men or the - y or c otlnng and bedding, and so forth, destroyed since April