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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/660

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. 639 near the city of Vancouver, Washington, to provide suitable target ranges for each arm of the military service stationed at Vancouver Barracks, Washington, and for the construction thereon of suitable tagget butts, range buildmgs, water supply, and so forth, $100 000. _ or the acquisition of private holdings now embraced in the llort ·1;§£'f'§,;_;°,{‘,,,,,_ Bhss target range, situated in Dona Ana Coimty, New Mexico, by condemnation or by purchase, $7,120. W For sinking additional wells to augment the present insufficient °°°mPply’°t°' Water supply and for the construction of new ran es, $28,000. Manrmuancn, Annu Wan Conuzsmz For su lying the necessary my W“'°°"°‘°“ fuel for heating the Army War College building at Washington Barracks_and for lighting the building and grounds; also for pay of a chief engmeer, at $1,400 per annum; and assistant engineer, at $900; four firemen, at $720 eac ; one elevator conductor, at $720; $10 700. Ram- or nurnnmcs, QuAn·rmnMAs·rsn Coars: For rent of buildings w£°§§gf§.,b§ll${°°’ and parts of buildings in the District of Columbiaformilitarypurposes, rm, p. su. during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, as follows: Fie d medical supply depot, $7,967.10; Signal Corps test rooms, $2,100; Quartermaster stable, $2 700; artermaster stable and storehouse, $4,938; artermaster stable and warehouse, $3,600; or Army Medical School, $8,680; _ For attending surgeon and retiring board, $3,000; Depot quartermaster office, $2,500; wage, Qipirtermaster Corps, $1,500; C eroom orstorage urposes,Quartermaster o ,854. Crnuus mn nauaemspro AND Loss or PRIVATE!TIl’·llOPERTYZ For umT°.r§•Yl}?.l`a§lj”’°t°‘ payment of claims for damages to and loss of private property mcident to the training, practice, and operations of the Army that have accrued, or may hereafter accrue, from time to time, to be immediatellyh available and to remain available until expended: Provided, at settlement of such claims shall be made by the %f,",g;,,,,, by A,,d,_ Auditor for the War Department, upon the approval and recom- W- mendation of the Secretary of War, where the amount of damages has been ascertained by the War Department, and payment thereof will be accepted by the owners of the property in full satisfaction of such damages, $5,000. Mnmcan Dnranmmm. 1Mic•1Do1»r¤¤¤¤t- Mnmcar. am: Hosrrrar. Damarunwrz For the purchase of medical S“PP”°*·°°°· and hospital supplies, including motor ambulances, and motorcycles for medical service, their mamtenance, repair, operation _ and disinfectants, and the exchange of typewnting machines, for military posts, camps, hospitals, hospital ships and transports and supplies {Mosquito destrucrequired for mosquito destruction m and about the military posts in "}3;,,,,,,,,_ the Canal Zone: Provided, That the Secretary of War may m his ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤'=¤¤¤¤¤·¤· discretion select types and makes of motor am ulances for the Army and authorize pheir purchase withoulti regaxéd to tthe laps pgescribing advertisement or roposals or su es an ma eria or e y: _ Provided further, 'lPhat hereafter, ggienever contracts which are not m&"’“° ’°‘*‘““" to be erformed within sixty days are made on behalf of the Government liy the Surgeon General or y officers of the Medical Department · authorized to make them, and are_ in excess of $500 in amount, such contracts shall be reduced to writing and sigined by the contracting parties, but in all other cases contracts shall be prepared under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Surgeon General; for expenses of medical supply depots· for medical care and_ treatment not otherwise provided for_ including care_ and subsistence in private hospitals, of officers, enlisted men and civilian employees