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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/659

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638 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. _ mm. California upon the revocation or termination of the privilege: Pro- “m&” °( P"' vided, That the cession of jurisdiction made by this Act shall take effect upon the termination of the cession of jurisdiction made by the V°*·°8·P‘ M joint resolution of Congress approved October twenty-second, mneteen hundred and fourteen, on e condition that the same is accepted by the legislature of the State of California at its first session after the P¤¤*¤*"¤=¤¤· assage o this Act, this cession to be without prejudice to the ]l1I'1S- giction of the United States to try and punish all crimes committed within said portion of said military reseryation pr1or_ to the date jurisdiction vested in the State under said joint resolution approved naman; October twenty-second, nineteen hundred and fourteen: Prmrodedfntrther That when the United States shall resume possession of said lands, or any part thereof, the jurisdiction herein ceded over said _ lands so repossessed shall revest m the United States: And provided mg“”““ °' l’““"‘ further, That in the event of the failure of said Exposition Companiy, or its successors, on the revocation of this privilege, to remove the buildings and improvements thereon, they shall then vest in and Limimm become theproperty of the United States: And provided further, That_the_pr1v1leges erem granted shall only apply so long as the building m question is use as an art museum, and for no other ose. Airihfiily me put PIENSTRUUHON, nnram AND 1¢A1N·rmNAN<m, muraar AND Posr ¤>·°=·¤°°· moans, saroens, nm mans, Ausxa: Construction, re air and maintenance of military and post roads, bridges, and trails, Il‘erritory PMP mlshm of élaska, $500,000. I 00 tin _ th anti; and qw. annaoxs aim quasrmns, Pmurrmm snnmsz n e ‘°”- work of providing for the proper shelter and protection of o&cers and men of the Army of the United States lawfully on duty in the Ifhilippme lslands, includrng repairs audmpayment of rents, the_acqu1s1tion of title to building sites, and such ditions to existing military reservations as may be necessary, and including also shelter for the animals and supplies, and all other buildmgs necessary for _ post administration purposes, §790,000. Restriction an tm. Prognded, That no part of said sum shall be expended for the con- °°¤* ¤°¤‘°¤· struction of quarters or officers of the Army the total cost of which, including theheating and {plumbing apparatus, wiring and fixtures shall exceed in the case o quarters o a general officer the sum oi $8,000; of a colonel or officer above the rank of captain, $6,000; and Hamm of an officer of and below the rank of captain, $4,000. C,,,,,,,,,c,g,,,,,,,,,_ Coxsrnuorron ann nsram or nosrrransz For construction and repair of hospitals at military posts already established and occupied, miludiplgéklgeigeglgiép-dlpty pay enhsged men employed gn the same, an in u a e n ures or construction an re a`1s r - H°tSpdm'Ark' quired at the Army andgplslavy Hospital at Hot Springs, Aliiklztnsag,

 for the construction and repair of general hospitals and expenses

Tmpcmy stm? incident thereto, and for additions needed to meet the regligrements mms. gil iin<;;a;e;lHg;r1t·;so£n;»69 aigggor temporary hospitals in stan g camps ,,,f$,‘{§§f“‘°’ h°“P"°* Qmnrnns ron nosrrrar. srnwanns: For construction and re air of guarters for_ hospital stewards at military posts already establislied gpl t:Ol;0;1&];:.x(;d,$1li1;ll(ljllgl3Dg the extra-duty pay of enlisted men employed mdS§,°,jg_§g€ ¤”°¤°S Ssoogme sirname Aim assess: For shelter, shooting galleries, rangles or sm_ a.rms_targetdpract1ce, machine-gun practice, fieldgrt ery prazfpce, repans, an explgpbses incident thereto, including gpiig ptas be gr ngaralgipg targets, _ of employees,_such ranges an _ _ pe ar as practicable to the National Guard and §;>&r%1;)1?&§<`lri.;H;A;:9u(pb(p0under regulations to be prescribed by the Secrevaaccumnumm, ’ ’ . _ , w,,__,,,_ ’ arvet range, Vancouver Barracks Washington: For unsi- Tarntrmgnlands. tion ol approximately five hundred and four acres of Ianuiig dictiiated