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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/662

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. _1916. 641, ENGINEER. DEPARININT. Depart- Enomnmz. mzrorrs: For incidental e for the depots, includ- I“§i"°“*'° °’“’°"’°“

 fuel, lights, chemicals, stationery, hardware, machinery, pa of am Pots

civilian clerks, mechanics, laborers, and other employees, extra-duty gay to soldiers necessa.r1ly_emp1oyed for periods not less than wu ays as artificers on work m addition to and not strictly in the line of their military duties, such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithographers, photographers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheelwrights, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; for lumber an materials and for labor for acking and crating eagineer supplies; repairs of, and for matend to repair, public b `dings, machinery, and instruments, and for unforeseen e enses, $27,500. Xglnomrznn Scnoor., Wasnmoron, Drsrmcr or Corman: w ,1>.S¢`if°°l’ ment algid maintpnbgice of the School atdWashingtion ar- E¤“*P"’°¤‘·•*°· racks, istrict o um ia, in u purchase an repairo instruments, machinery, implements, mod , and materials, for the use_of the school andlfor i1nstruptiol1;§§ troops their spgcial duties assa ers an miners; or mming n ·


recen o t scientific sulgectslfg theilghrary of die United tézhtes School; I m f cident expenses e inclndmg` emi , stationary, - li§i·d1ivare machinery, and boats; for pay of civilian clerks, draftsmen, electricians, mechanics, and laborers; compensation of leeturers and pa ent of tuition fees of student omcers at civil technical Tmvd _ institutions; {di] unforeseen expenses; for travel expenses of officers ` °,,S,¤j°“z¤€y;xPz*r°V€2*».,m*—t*1°  :§.Y.;s; d¤;;2;‘z;:£;P*:;· 0 IDS C 10112 I lieuotmil . vided for shall be in lieu of, mileage and other gowances; and) to u em rovide means for the theoretical and practical instruction at the t gngineer School by thealpurchase of textbooks, books of reference, T°‘"’°°kS· ° °‘ scientitic and profession papers, and for other absolutely necessary $25,000- , .i o eu. Elolisgfih power lithographic ress for the Engineer School, $6,000. ;_;°F:§:;lp;wd_ For the urchase of materialp to be used m the construction of a trade mg. schooldbaisding at the Engineer School, to remain available imtil · , $9 000. _ 0 . 6X§}(;ii1crivnnn,mommm or moors: For pontoon material, tools, Eqmpmm www instruments, supplies, and appliances required for usein the engineer equipment of troo s, for military survpiys, and for engineer operations in the field, including tha} purchase an pgeparation ofdepfmeer manmls d urement o special paper or same, an r a reserve gugpgrnof lzrlggve equipment, to be available, {1,%,000. §,,,t,,¥,,,,_ycM mm minded' Thtt"gran repurchasema1nancei]¤¤ · and repai1·’and8o]:i:s1mt(ii>’1ntyfr?>m this appropriation of hot to exceed '°d` thirt -eight motorcycles, including those on hand. _ Civilian assume. Crzmux assisranrs ·ro Enomnnn ormcnns: For services of surveyors, survey parties, draftsmen, photographers, master laborers, and clerks to ogigeasbgn the staffs of vision, corps, and departt mi 7 ° · • 8 0 BX- Hu;£N(?3WEER OPERATIONS IN Fg; g$ glgldealgg p°r°u°°S `lit ations in e , mc udmg_ xiiteiiayil :.115 aeigresgrligr of material for such operations, the purchase, operation, maintenance, and re air of p er-carrying vehicles, and such expenses as are ordinaril)y provided lor under appiropriations for “E 'neer depots/' “Civilian assistants to Engineer officers, and ·

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wrrmosnc , . mmm _ . . · · For contingent expenses incidmt to the operations of the Eugm¤¤!' 91890°-vot 39-rr 1--41 . A