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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/663

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642 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. De artment in the Philippine Islands, to be expended at the discretion of She Secretary of War, $4,000. _ __ 0§{{,'f‘{‘I°,,§g"',$_"‘**°“· The follo —dcscribed tract of land on the island of Oahu, Hawau, N'1`¤¤¤*¤¤’°d °° *1*** known as the Puuloa Military Reservation, IS hereby transferred to mh and placed under the control and jurisdiction of the Navy Department D¤¤*P”°¤· for use for naval : Beginning at a concrete monument on the beach on the west side of the entrance to Pearl Harbor situated about nine? feet south of the small pier and one hundred and twenty-two and ve·tenths feet from the southeast corner of storehouse (from which said concrete momrment Salt Lake triangulation station bears by true azimuth two hundred and thu·ty-e§ht d ees twenty-two minutes and the spire of Puuloa Church two undrgd and fort?-seven degrees two minutes) the bormdary runs by true bearings as ollows: Southwesterly along the shore at high-water mark to a similar concrete monument on the ocean beach; thence north fourteen degrees twenty minutes west one thousand one hundred and fifty feet to a concrete monument· north sixty-two degrees ten minutes east seven thousand nine hundred and forty-five feet to the point of beginning; containing three hundred and twenty-two and thu·ty- M ws % one tirmdredths acrées, more or less. field k dim Su *· ere e expenses o ns in wor or travelmg` giiuiuilthd Djsmcwf on official business outside of the trict of Columbia and away from their designated posts of duty are chargpable to appropriations of the Engineer Department contained in the Army appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, a per diem rate of $4 may be allowed in lieu of subsistence. m$f¤¤¤• D•¤¤°- ormnnzcn nnruzmmm. °¤¤¤¤¤¤P¤¤· Onuuarwcm Smnvrcz: For the current expenses of the Ordnance Department in connection with purchasing, recei , storing, and issuing ordnance and ordnance stores, comprising police and office duties,_rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, and advertising, stationery tyhpewnters, and adding machines, including their exchange, and o ce furniture, tools, and instruments of service; for incidental eixnses of the Ordnance Service and those attending practical ti and tests of ordnance, small arms, and other ordnance stores; for publications for libraries of the Ordnance Department including the Ordnance Office; subscriptions to periodicals, which may be paid for ur advance; and payment for mechanical labor in the office of dthe Chief offOrdnance; for purchase, maintenance, repair, an operatron o motor- ro or orse·drawn assenger-carryi vehic es, $475,000. P P ng ,,,,*},§¥f;‘,§,“,,‘_"°“ ‘°' Onnsanen sronzs AHKUNITIONZ Manufactrue and purchase of m¤g:m¤¢:gg¤¤ ·¤¢ ammunition for small arms and for hand use for reserve su pl , ` ammunition for burials at the National Soldie1s’ Home in Vllasllington, District of Columbia, ammunition for the mo and evemngegun at military posts {prescribed by General Orders, Numbered venty, Headguarters 0 the Army, dated Jul twenty-third, eighteen hundred an sixty-seven, and at National liome flir Disab Volunteer Soldiers and its several branches, includmg' National Soldiers} Home in Washington, District of Columbia, an soliders’ _ and sailors’ State homes, $10,000,000. Amount for pur. Provided, That not more than $5,000,000 of this appropriation

 my M mm may   used in the 'phurchase of ammunition.

m°¤$¤ brsiérmumuss. P"0'*¤d¢df’l¤‘¢h¢f, _ at $250,000 of this appropriation may be used 4’”°»P·m· to gauges; dwsyligs, tools, and other special aids an appliances, mcluding specifications and detailed drawings ‘ necessary for the manufacture by the Govemment and by private manufacturers of ammumtion necessary for the use of the land forces of the United States rn time of war, and in the purchase of