SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cui 418. 1916. 65], "(bl The word ‘soldierf shall be construed as including a non- S°**”°’· commissioned omcer, a private, or any other enlisted man; ‘{)(c2mThe wo(1id‘ company’ shall be understood as including a troop °°¤¤°¤>'· or a ; an _ " (d) %e word ‘battalion' shall be understood as including a B““’“°“· squadron. "Am·. 2. Pnnsous sumnor ro rrrnrraar Law.-The following h}Q°g°'¤°¤¤ ¤¤*>i·°* persons are subject to these articles and shall be xmderstood as ` mcluded m the term ‘ any person subject to military law,’ or ‘persons subject t0_m1l1tary law ’ whenever used in these articles: Provided, §g?,'$"i;ubd,cum That nothing contamed in this Act, except as specifically provided I _ ' in Article two, sub§aragra§h (c), shall be construed to apply to any perspéi auiider thelednited tates naval jurisdiction, unless otherwise spec c provi y aw. " (a) officers and soldiers belongingl to the Reirlar Army of ,m!§°f.“,_"T,Y,,,,f°"“"'*V°" the United States; all volnmteers, from the dates of their muster or acceptance mto the militagy service of the United States; and all other persons lawfully call _, drafted or ordered into, or to duty or for traming m, the said service, from the dates they are req by thz of the call, draft or order to obey the same; mam a ets; " (c) Officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps when detached for “ggh**:gt§<{g}. Wm service with the armies of the United States by order of the President: _ y` Provided That an officer or soldier of the Marine Corps when so {°;§°,§‘Z;¤,,,,,,,,,,w_ detached may be tried by military court-martial for an offense committed against the laws for the {government of the naval service prior to his detachment, and for an 0 ense committed against these articles he may be tried by a naval court-martial after such detachment ceases; " (d) All retainers to the cam and all persons accompanying or R°°“¤°”°¤**'°“°*· serving with the armies of the l.l)nited States without the territorial m abr°°d' jurisdiction of the United States, and in time of war all such retainers and persons accomgmnying or sewing with the armies of the United States in the field, oth within and without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, though not otherwise subject to these articles; C " (e) All persons under sentence adjudged by courts-martial; ,,,,,,$f”§§“°m°l """ " (f) All persons admitted into the Regular Army S0ldiers’ Home S<>l<1i•»rs’ Home inat Washirigton, District of Columbia. mm"' "II. COURTS-MARTIAL. C°°"`°'mm°l‘ "An·r. 3. Counrs-Marrrmr cr.Assr1·*rr·:n.—Courts·n1artial shall be of Q}.? threlq kinds, nargilelyz al " irst, ener courts·marti ; "Secon<i special courts·martial; and " Third, summary courts-martial. "A. courosrrroiv. °°"‘P°““°“· "Am*. 4. Wuo MAY snizvn or: counrs-MAR·nAL.—Al1 officers_in ,0ff‘”°°” °°'”P°“’°‘ the military service of the United States, and officers of the Manne Corps when detached for service with the Army by order of the President, shall be competent to serve on courts—mart1al for the trial of_ zany persons who may lawfully be brought before such courts for tria . “AR’1'. 5. GENERAL cotnvrs-MAnrrAL.—General courts-martial may G°°°'“‘· consist of any number of officers from five to thirteen, inclusive; but they shall not consist of less than thirteen, when that number can be convened without manifest injury to the service. _ "Am·. 6. Srncmr. comers-mAnr1aL.—Spec1al courts-martial may Speedconsist of any number of officers from three to five, inclusive. _ "Aa·r. 7. Summer couta·rs·uaariaL.—A summary court·martial S“”””°"· shall consist of one omcer.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/672