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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/671

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650 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. ¤¤r¤• d th h ds f ti de artments as to_the mum ld1c°atiEi>r1iiSgB1i·tii.il£i·l1>ads iivitliarefegenggaibl dri; frgntier of the United States so as to render possible expeditious concentration of troops mgmymw. and sup lies to points of defense; the coordination of military, industriali and commercial iuE>(sm in the_ location of extensive H mlm highways and branph lines ofrad ad; atlhe utilizatiogi ofdvgaterwatyls; I,,°mm "’°°"'°°'·,,,,,,,,, iliz t' `t an nav resources or e ense_· e P¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤~°‘ do iiilgrelzibla of doiiilisgc godiilcitlion of articles materials essential to the support of armies and of the peofple during the mterruptiog of ¤,f',§"°“" °°“°°'°' foreign commeroe· the_ development 0 seagoing transportation, ata 8¤¤¤=¤ °' ¤*“**¤’ as to amounts, location, method and meam of production, and °°m°u°°' °t°` availabililty of military supplies; the of information to producers » and man acturers as toho (glass 0 supphteizneeded by tl; mahtiary d th servi `ft ernmen uiremen reamg Ziiereiz)0, oalnd the°°¢?reii.tion of relations render possible in time of need the immediate concentration and utilization of the urcm f the Nation. ‘ ¤¤¤¤¤¤* ¤f !¤*¤¤¤· ms'l)`hat thi; Council of National Defense shall adopt rules and reiginilas °¤°°°' tions for the conduct of its work, which rules and regulations sh be subfct to the approval of the President, and shall provide for the wor of the advisory commisslgndto iihe ep?) thattths SP6C18l..k'l]£QWl• f h mID1SS' ion may eve 0 y sui a e mvestiga ion

Fe(hi)chS;u§nd3(inq1ury arid mgdehgvailalilp in conference and Eeport

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤•¤• ¤>·¤¤¤¤f the ith ounci ·an t counc` may organize su or inate !°°""°M'°*’°°°' bzidies lid: (its eiisiistancei in special investigations, either by the employment of experts or by the creation of committees of specially qualified persons to serve withopt ccgmpensation, but to direct the ` tions of experts so employ . p

hm ,4;:   Bum of $200,000, 0I' 80 much l’»l1p1'00f as may be necessary,

ae. is hereby appropriated, out of any money m the Treasury not otherwiseappropriated, to be immediately available for experimental work and investigations imdertaken by the council, by the advisory commission, or subordinate bodies, for the employment of a director, expert and clerical expenses and supplies, and for the necessary §1enses_of txnemgerzupf the adzisory or subordbigitzltie ies an a ndmgmee vso ecommissionorsu r · ,£'§,,b$"°° °' " nate Reports shall be subniiltled byallsubordinate bodies and by theladlyislory oolmmissilon tip the! council, andhfmlmgigie go time the counc` s a repo to the resident or to the e 0 executive departments upon special ingniries or subjects appropriate thereto, and an annual report to the ngress shall be submitted through the Prasitgsnt, including ggrtlliilln a statement of the activities og the council an the agencies su ate to it as is consistent wit th blic Mau orervenm. interest, including an itemized acconmt of the expenditures rliaidle by the council or authorized by it, in as full detail as the public interest Llmyzu www permit: h0wever, That wlliim dieertnedhgilloper the lgresg , ent may au orize, m amounts stip ate y , un 0 wml expenditures and report the gross sums so authorized notvitldiixiiiilell.

    • °°'°¤ °' W"- no. 3. That section thirteen hundred and forty-two of the Revised

Statuatgs og tihe United States be, and the same IS hereby, amended tore as o 0ws: §”gj¤_jcf“,g,°*i ml "Sr:c: 13-12. The articles included in_this section shall be known as me-aasmmaed. ge Articles fo€hW]aIr at all times and m all places govern e armies 0 e m . s,f1*;“‘”=*¤**'>’ PN"` "I. Pnnmnxanr Pnovrsroxs. maamm. 'fAsrrcr.r: 1. DnrrNrrroxs._—ThefoHowingwords when usedin these articles shall be construed m the sense indicated in this Article, unless the context shows that a different sense is intended, namely: com _ "gsg ’éhe word ‘0Hicer’ shall be construed to refer to a commission officer;