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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/13

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PRIVATE LAWS OF THE SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS 01-* run UNITED STATES. Passed at the cfrst session, which was begun and held at the city of Washington, in the District % olumbia, on Monday, the sixth day of December, 1915, and was adyoumed without ·y on Fnllay, the eighth day of September, 1916. Woonkow WILSON, President; Tn0MAs R. MARSHALL, Vice President; JAMES P. CLARKE, President of the Senate o temgore; LEE S. OVERMAN, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, Marcl?r17 an 18, 1916; JAMES A. O’G0nMAN, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, April 7, 1916; Jorm H. BANKHEAD, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, June 3, 8, 10, 13 and 16, 1916; WILLIAM _ Hnenns, Acf President of the Senate pro tempore, September 2, 1916; OLLIE M. JAMES, ActingmgPresident of the Senate pro tempore, September 7, 1916; CHAMP CLARK, Speaker of the House of Representatives; CHARLES M. STEDMAN, Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tempore, July 29, 1916. cmu-. 21.-Au Act D1rec·t:mg` ‘ me sem ei wu to receive e pmei or me F°" '°· *9*6- to the Anshe Cheeed Congregation, Vicksburggagiminippi. Y ‘ Be it enacted by the Seruzte and House of llepreseratatives of the United Mm mmm Con ‘ Smtes of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is gregmm, vxenuwgi hereb directed to convey by deed to the Anshe Chesed Congregation, M‘1§§;, 0, Vim,) Vickshurg, Mississippi, a small tract of land for cemetery lpmposes, N¤¢ig:¤ds1tg¢mwyP:rri which land is nowtpart of the Vicksburg National Military ark, and g'°” ‘ more particularly escribed by metes and bounds as follows: _ Commencingjat the southeast corner of a tract of land as described D°°°1"'°°' in deed book C, page six hundred and eleven, in chancery clerk’s oice, Warren County, Mississip i; thence with an astronomical azimuth one hundred degrees end, forty minutes nine hundred and ninety-two feet to a stone ost; thence two hundred and nine degrees and ten minutes five hundired and nine feet to a stone post; thence two hundred and twenty-five degrees and fifty-five minutes four hundred and sixty-one feet to a stone yilost; thence two hundred and twenty degrees and fifty minutes three undred and ninety-eight feet to a stone post on the south side of the Baldwins Ferry road; thence two hundred and ninety-six dei-rtees and ten minutes one hundred and ninety-eight feet; thence thee hundred and fifty-five degrees and ten minutes one hundred and five feet; thence twenty-three degrees and fifteen minutes one hundred and seventy-eight feet to the point of beginning. Thence with an astronomical azimuth no degrees and fifteen minutes five hundred and thirty-four feet· thence two hundred and severagy degrees and fifteen minutes three hundred and eighteen and one— h feet; thence one hundred and thirty-two degrees and five minutes two hundred and fifty~one feet; thence one hundred and sevent -one degrees and twenty minutes two hundred and fifty-nine feet; thence one hundred and thirty-four degrees and twenty-Eve minutes one hundred and forty-three feet to the point of beginning` ; containing one and sixty-four one-hundredths acres, more or ess, and being part of section twenty-one township sixteen, range four east: Provided, That no expense shall, be incurred by the United States in carrying out the provisions of this Act. Approved, February 10, 1916. 102620°—»-ct as-pr 2—2 1203