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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/14

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1204 `SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 38, 44. 1916. ‘°ia*r·:as:é3h°· ..?f£§£z?{.%i2.E.‘?£°°t2‘*5§?t§;“.‘.t%%2..“.£§‘sit‘§.‘i°.‘&‘Li.’;‘(é§$.§¤g§%’;.“i‘?.·%'.5‘2‘;”‘.L;"..2 [Prlv. R•¤.,No. 1.] widows and tgapendent children of soldiers and sailors of said war," approved February twenty- , nineteen hundred and lifteen. Resolved by the Senate and House o Re esentatives th U `t d A iis1[igi€ States eyf America in Congress assemlggd, 'Iqat the para(%[rap(i1_in7L’l;l(ie v0l_;8'p_m9_· Act entitled An Act granting pensions and increase 0 pensions to certam soldiers and sailors o the Civil War and certain widows and dependent children of soldiers and sailors of said war," approved §ebr1lr:;rydtw($enntyi1£ftl(:i;.BgJnete1en liundrteig andsjfteeailirgrigate Act um_ re _ e un an ninety- ee, 1xty-t ° ongress, anting an increase of nsion to Geo e A. Ko le, late of C It-One hundred and sirrfifth Regiment lléew Yorl§Volunteer Iiifudiix

 to pay   a pension at the rate of $50 r month in lieu of that

A mm · he‘is now rece1v1%, be corrected and amendgd to read as follows: %$..sa...a md'1`:¤i£t2:]rpt; o§ Q01‘gBtANK0%B, llateérof Compaptyf I, One hrmdred _ _ eu ew or o unteer antry and pay _ lnm a pension at lie rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving." · - Approved, February 28, 1916. lhr¢m16,1916. tcm %4.__An A t G dug · d · . , -

 $p51s€:1i'n¢9lus(=;1lSgir?0g§·thecCivHr3l1Var anIf av1;id¤ii}v(:1r8ai’1€iB <gpg;1d:lxi)t1EretlKd‘;2erdI»1? susdh

Be ite·ruu·tedby theSemtean1dHo1we R entati theU' I°”°*°°" States qt America in Oonggess assemble'; 'lgllztgthe Seeceargiary oi'mttl(ig Interior be, and he is here y, authorized and directed to place on the p1ev;?n roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension` oem: . onameofGeo J ,1ge {(30 mm Regiment Illinois V0§l$6$ 8:l;8·].I';, aiid pa;1l1i.;xyaFpenSgY»i1u'a(lz6Itl311; Hmm Hmm- ratleh of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ e name of Barnet Hauver, late of Company B, Seventy-second Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the mm Phmmum ratiah of $50 per month m lieu_ of that he is now receiving. °’**"° °¤¥· Sem; s';u'}§§°K‘;f Iépgéi ag; Grpy, late of United Navy, an pay him' a pension atzhe $20m wg, Umm Sums that he is no , _ o per month m lieu of ‘°“““°“"“°‘ ..az;;¤z£$.¥€§§?a¤rP¤v‘1*2*°·sr·¤y H» OM ~¤·d···~d _ · mons 0 nm cer t , d ° Fmdmck www- pension at the rate of $80 per month in lieu of ths?t1hleyisil1Idw]i·!;¥:rei]lmvi¤ga Theupgrxge ofggmi Schnetzer, late of Company G One hun- _ wen_ — egiment Indiana Volunteer Infant d pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of thry’ m' now receiving. at he is James H. Goldsbomugn. The name of James H. Goldsborou h l te f Co hundred and fifty-fourth Regiment In<Eai1aaVoli)mtee1{niii·il»ihtB, Ond gg, %ia_pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of thesnhiznis Enum r. Webster. The F . I of Comrgairlne cé ETmmBnt; Webster, widow of Geo Webster, late xr , egunent, and Company Sixth R New York olunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay her a ‘ cgmzolgb mm A_ Mum rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now recei Pension a t 6 The name of John A. Morris, late captain and uartermaster, Lmted States Volunteers, and pay him a ension ti.}; s,,,.,,,,;_ Dm vfrggg pgnxgioptéi in lieuJof that he is now receivix% 8 0 mm _ _ 0 Bn _ . » Illmois Vohmtedi- (‘lx?val1·?y6r’ date of Company ’ Third Regiment Flfth Regiment U had S , an second lieutenant Company K, nz tates Colored Volunteer Heavy Artillery,