PARCEL POST CON"VEN'l‘ION—·ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. MAR. 12,1915. 1629 under the regulations in force to ostales todo a el escrito,) the domestic mails of the country gue se achnitan cgnfbrme a los of origin, except that no pgcket reglamentos ue rigen res ecto Bequirvments may exceed e even poun (or de las balijasiilomésticas delipais five k1lograuis)1n weight, nor the de origen, con tal que ningun following dimensions; greatest aquete exceda de once libras length in any direction, three feet }()6 cinco kilogramos) de peso, ni six1nches(or one hundred and five de las dimensiones siguientes: centimeters); greatest length and mayor longitud en cualquiera girth comb1ne_ , six feet (or one direccion, tres pies seis pulgadas imdred and eighty centimeters); (6 ciento cinco centimetros); and must be so wrapped or en- ma or longitud y grosor combiclosed as to permit their contents nadros, seis ies (6 ciento ochenta to be easily examined by post- centimetrosli; debiendo estar enmasters an customs officers, and vueltos 6 cubiertos de manera except that the following articles que permitan que su contenido are prohibited admission to the sea facilmente examinado por los mails exchanged under this Con- administradores de correos y de vention: aduanas; y exceptuandose ade- _ Publications which violate the mas, los articulos que siguen, *`·"‘*°*°° P'°h“"‘°'·‘~ copyright laws of the country of cuya admision queda prohibidu. destination; archil and its de- en las balijas que se cambien rivatives; poisons and explosives entre los dos paises, conforms a or inflammable substances; fatty esta Convencion; a saber: pubsubstances, liquids and those licaciones ue violen las leyes de which easily liquefy, pastes, live propiedad qliteraria del pais de and. dead animals, except dead destiuo; orsilla y sus derivados; insects and reptiles thoroughly venenos 6 materias explosivas 6 dried; fruits and vegeta les inflamables; sustancias grasosas, which will emily decouggise, and liquidas 6 de facil liquefaccién, substances which exh a bad pastas; animales vivos6muertos, odor; lottery tickets, lottem ad- exceptuando .insectos y refptiles vertisements or circulars; ob- perfectamente disecados; rutas scene or immoral articles; arti- y vegetales ue puedan descomcles which mapxdestroy or in any ponerse faciilmente, sustancias way damage the mails, or injure que exhalen mal olor; billetes, the persons handling them. noticias 6 circulares de loteria; objetos obscenos 6 inmorales, articulos que puedan dcstruir 6 de alguna manera danar las balijas, 6 causar perjuicios a las personas que las manejen. 2. All admissible articles and 2.-—-Todos los articulos admisi- S Fmldgtp frm inmerchandise mailed in one coun- bles 6 mercancias que se deposi- W ’ ` try for the other shall be free from ten en el correo de un pais_ con any detention or inspection what- destino a otro, no estaransujetos ever, except such as is required a otra detencion 6 1l1Sp€CC16IlS1l10 for collection of customs duties; solamente ala que fuere necesaria and shall be forwarded by the para cobrar los derechos aduamost speedy means to their desti- ueros, y se despacharan a su nation, being subject in their destino por la via mas rapida, transmission to the laws and reg- quedando sujetos en su trasulations of each country, re- misién a las leyes y reglamentos spectively. de cada pais respectivamente. _ _ 3. Parcel ost packages may 3.—Las encomiendas postales C'm°“'s‘°"’°°"°°‘ be closed andpsealed, but the cus- podran cerrarse g sellarse pero toms officers are authorized to os funcionarios e aduana tenopen them (including the right to dran derecho de abrirlas (combreak the seals) in order to in- rendido el derecho de romper spect the contents. Insuch cases, lbs sellos) con el fin de examinar