1710 CONVENTION—DENl1ARK. AUGUST 4, 1916. g. Concession of July 16th h. Koncession af 20’ Juni 1904 1915 to Ejnar Svendsen, an En- paa Oprettelse af en dansk vesgineer, for the construction and tindisk Seddelbank. Banken har operation of an electric light for et Tidsrum af_30 nar Eneret giant ina the city of Christiansted, paa di; dslnskszglstmdisgzg (Dir til ainte roix. at u the er m a S1 h. Concession of June 20th Aarsoverskud at betale 10 Pro- 1904 sioxgxthe ;sig11blis t of a céent Afgift til den danske Dani 4 est- n 'an o is- tat asse. sue. This bank has for a period i. Garanti i Henhold til den of. 30 years acquired the mo- danske Lov om Tillaegsbevillmg 1;::31 to $$5116 }1a3l.<-noteslin the fordFi§1ianr}alaret 1%(£8—09 veélrszlli i est- n `a is an s ren e . omas avneraa s against the payment to the Dan- Procent Laan af 1910; ish. Treasury of a tax amount- 5ge;Bthvert Bel¢b, som skyldes inghto ten percent of its annual tal Danske Statgkasgaf PE1- pro ts. vatpersoner pan. en {lg, a i. Guarantee according to the Udvekslingen af Ratiiikatmuerne Danish supplementary Budget finder Sted,bevaresog1ndbefattes Law for the financial year 1908- ikke ved denne Overdmgelsenog ¥L)9brelatiye to the St. gfhomaz for sag vidt dg: da1£s·§d§;·ge1;1§ rors our percent can 0 aa enne ag a mmmam 1910. Diendm som er overtaget af 4,,, mm mmm, 5) Whatever sum shall be due den e Statskasse for Bel¢b, °"*· to the Danish Treasury by pri- som skyldes af Privatpersoner, vate individuals on the date of ska] saadan Ejendom ikke mdbethe exchange of ratiiications are fattes under denne Overdragilse, reserved ang dol not pass py! this men dim dalnske Regering vil Eve cession; an w iere the nis at sae ge e er raa e over saa an Government at that date holds Ejendom og fjerne dens Udbytte property taken over by the Dan- indenfor 2 Aar fra_Datoen for 1sh Treasury for sums due by Udvekslmgen af Ilatnfikationerne private individuals, such prop- af denne Konventxon, saaledes at erty shall not pass by this cession, de Forenede Staters Regering er _ but the Danish Government shall bef¢jet til at saelge ved offenthe sell or dispose of such property Auktion, for den danske Regeand remove its proceeds within rings R%·ning, enhver Del af two years from the date of the saadan jen om, som maatte exchange of ratificétiong og this vgeiée forblevet uslplqtveg Eldhibet convention; the nite tatos a en naevnte ri a 0 ar. Government being entitled to sell 6. Kolonialkasseme _ skal vedby plublnc auction, to the credit blive at betale de 8&Pl1g9_UHli€1'— of t_e Danish Government, any st¢ttelser, der nu gives til t1dl1· portion of such property remain- gere afskedigede Tjenestemaend, 1ng unsold at the expiration of som var ansatte paa (Derne, men the said term of two years. ikke havde kongelig Udnaevnelw, c,,,l}§§i§,dd_ °u°“°°°° 6) The Colonial Treasuries med mindre di& Understsdlitelser shall continue to pay the yearly hidtil er udredede i Danmark. allowances now given to heretofore retired functionaries appointed in the islands but holding no Royal Commissions, unless such allowances may have until now been paid in Denmark. xl-use 4. Antikel 4- "°'“"*‘d°“"”Y· The Danish Government shall Den danske Regering skal saa appoint with convenient despatch snart som lnllllgt UdD8€VD9 611 an agent or agents for the pur- Befuldmaegipet eller_iiere Bepose of formally delivering to a fllldlmiégtl B 1 dd lD]¢¤i€€l f°i'·