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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/610

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1916. 1781 BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA u“Y1°·1916- . A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS it ap ears that the public ood will be romoted b Di**°N°*>*°¤°'F¤*v¤*· excluding from the l))i.xie NationalPForestgcertam areag within thliN1il駤ii»iliiiI°¤dAru' State of Arizona, and restoring the public lands therein in a manner authorized by the Act of Congress approved September thirtieth, V°l·38»P·“3· nineteen hundred and thirteen, entitled) "An Act To authorize the President to provide a method for opening lands restored from reservation or wit drawal, and for other pur oses" ; and WHEREAS those portions of the 'llhiyabe National Forest formerly constituting the Moa a National Forest, in Nevada, and included within the Toiyabe National Forest July 1, 1915, should be transferred to and made a art of the Dixie National Forest; Now, therefore, I, WOOBROW WILSON, President of the United Am m°dm°d· States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of V°’· 3°» P- 36- Congress approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36), entiiged "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal ear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, andy for other purposes", do proclaim that the boundaries of the Dixie National Forest are hereby chan ed to exclude the areas indicated as eliminations on the diagram gliereto annexed and forming a part hereof and to include the areas indicated thereon, in Nevada, immediately heretofore embraced within the Moapa Division of the Toiyabe National Forest and excluded therefrom by Executive Order which I have also si ed this date. And I do liirther proclaim and make known that in my judgment it m§§§*§_§*g§ml§•;€:,,_” is proper and necessag in the interest of equal opportunity and ood administration that of the lands hereby exclu ed from the Dixie National Forest subject to dis osition should be restored to settlement in advance of entry, ang pursuant to the authority reposed in me by the aforesaid Act of Se tember thirtieth, nineteen hundred Vol. 38, p. 113. and thirteen (38 Stat., 113), I dolhereby direct and provide that such lands, sub`ect to valid rights and the provisions of existing withdrawals, shall be opened and become subject to settlement only under the general provisions of the homestead laws, at and after, but not before, nine o’clock a. m., standard time, on the sixt{v—third day Time 01 opening. after the date of this proclamation, and to entry an other disosition under any pub ic land law ap licable thereto at and after, iiut not before, nine o’clock a. m., on fha ninety-first day after said date. Persons who o u on an of the lands to be restored as herein ro- w*”¤i¤¤°¥°*¤$*“°S· vided and erfolm iiiiy act? of settlement thereon from and including l)¤iiiiing mm to mn the date ofp this proclamation until nine o’clock a. m., standard time, on the sixty-third day from and after the date hereof, or who are on or are occupying any part of such lands at said hour, except those having valit subsisting settlement rigxhts initiated prior to reservation and since maintained, and those aving preferences to make entry under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six (34 Stat., 233), entitled "An Act To pro- égjicultumllauds. vide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves", and °°34’ p‘z33` acts amendatory, will be considered and dealt with as trespassers and preference will be iven the prior legal apiplicant, notwithstanding such unlawful settlement or occupancy: rovided, however, that nothing herein shall prevent persons from going upon and over the lands to examine them with a view thereafter to going upon and mak-] Eggmmaciw aling settlement thereon when the lands shall become subject thereto in °W `