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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/611

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1782 PROCLAMATIONS, 1916.- riglgsi ° ¤' ¤°“·‘°m°¤* accordance with this proclamation. Persons havipi prior settle- ` ment rights or preferences, as above defined, will be owed to make enprg in conformityrvirylith existinlg law and regulations. WITNESS EREOF have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. Done at the City of Washington, this tenth day of Ma , in the year of 0l11‘ Lord one thousand nine hundred and, sixteen, [sun,.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hrmdred and fortreth. W W oonnow 1LsoN By the President: Ronmrr Larzsnm Secretary of State. Mw 3°·m°· Br mm Pnmsrnmrr or rim Uivrrrm Srarms A PROCLAMATION. mg d¤Y· _ My Fellow Countryman: Many circumstances have recently conm$°ei·i?§ugli ¤<1i>i>¢i;sI spired to turn our tholu-ghts to a critical examination of the condi- Umwd °“"’“°““' tions of our national e, of the influences which have seemed to threaten to divide us in interest and syrppathy, of forces within and forces without that seemed likely to w us away from the happy traditions of united {purpose an action of which we have been so proud. It has there ore seemed to me Htting that I should call {Eur attention to the approach of the anniversary of the day upon w 'ch the Hag of the United States was adopted by the Coulgress as the emblem o the Union, and to suggest to you that it sho d this fyear `and in the years to come be given special significance as a day o renewal and reminder, a day upon which we should direct our minds with a special desire of renewal to thoughts of the ideals and principles of which we have sought to make our great Government the embodiment. G°°°'°*. ‘?"*'““°° I therefore suggest and re uest that throughout the nation and if rlgihueiietdlm swam ssible in every community the fourteenth day of June be observed as _ EIAG DAY with special patriotic exercises, at which means shall be taken to give significant expression to our thoughtful love of America, our comprehension of the great mission of liberty and justice to which we have devoted ourselves as a people, our pride in the history and our enthusiasm for the political programme of the nation, our determination to make it greater and purer with each igleneration, and our resolution to demonstrate to all the world its vit union in sentiment and purpose, acc?>ting only those as true compatriots who feel as we do compulsion o this supreme allegiance. Let us on that day rededicate ourselves to the nation, "one and inseparable", from which every thought that is not worth-K of our fathers’ first vows of indepen - ence, liberty, and right sh be excluded and in which we shall stand with unite hearts, for an America which no man can corrupt, no influence draw away from its ideals, no force divide against itself,-a nation signally distinguished among all the nations of manldnd for its clear, individual conception alike of its duties and its privileges, its obli§ations and its hts. I WITNESS Wl%EREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this thirtieth day. of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hun ed and sixteen, [SEAL.] and of the inde endence of the United States of America the one hundred) and fortieth. W .W oomzow rLsoN By the President: ` Rosmrr Laxsme, Secretary of State.