1788 PROCLAMATIONS, 1916. m§ug§,°**P**°¤·°°¤· pgpe driven in the ground on the west side of the Schooner Head ° oad; thence following the west side of said road southerly to a stone post set in the ground in the north line of land of Hale et als; thence north eighty-four degrees west four thousand seven hundred and and fifty feet to a stake and stones; thence southerly nine hundred and ten feet to a point north eighty-eight degrees east from a stake driven in the ground in the east side of the Otter Creek Road, marking the northeast corner of the Timothy Smallidge Lot, so-called; thence south eighty-eight degrees west six hundred and ninety-seven and nine-tenths feet to said stake; thence continuing same course, to wit, south eighty-eight degrees west, following said Smallidge lot, to the southwest corner of the lot described as conveyed in the deed from Daniel W. Brewer to Fountain & Serenus H. Rodick, dated April 21, 1883, and recorded in said Registry of Deeds Book 187, page 510; thence north, following the west line of said land so conveyed by Brewer to Rodick, to the southeast comer of the Green Mountain House Lot, so—caIled, said corner being marked by a bolt set in the ledge near the edge of a steegblui on the southerly slope of Green Mountain and also marked y a cross cut in the ledge; thence south sixty-seven degrees thirty minutes west two thousand five hundred and eighty-nine feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge on the westerly slope of the western ridge of said Mountain, also marked by a cross cut in the ledge; thence north forty-nine degrees thirty minutes west six hundred and sixty feet to an iron bolt set m the ledge and a cross cut in the ledge near said bolt, said goint being in the Gilmore-Brewer division line, or Deane line, so-calle ; thence following said` Gilmore-Brewer division line south forty-five degrees west to a oint one hundred and fifty feet easterly of the eastern shore of Bubble Pond or Turtle Lake; thence northerly, but everywhere plarallel with and one hundred and fifty feet distant from said eastern s ore of Bubble Pond, or Turtle Lake, to a stake driven in the (ground; thence south fift}y—two degrees west to a point one hundre and fifty feet westerly rom the western shore of said Pond; thence southerly, but everyw ere parallel with and one hundred and fifty feet distant from the western shore of said Pond to a stake driven in the ground near the southern end of Bubble Pond; thence southwesterly to a point on the town line between the towns of Eden and Mount Desert, said point being seven hundred and fifty feet at right angles westerly from the eastern line of the Benjamin and Enoch Spurling lot, or ordan Purchase, so-called; thence south four degrees west, parallel with and seven hundred and fifty feet distant from said eastern line of said Slpurling Lot, or Jordan Purchase, two thousand one hundred and t irtyl feet; thence westerly, at right angles to said last described line four undred and seventy-five feet; thence southerly, at right anges to said last described line twelve hundred feet; thence southeasterry to a cgpper bolt set in a ledge on the eastern slope of the Eastern Triad · ountain; thence south thirteen degrees fifty-five minutes east one thousand two hundred hud sixty-six and thirty~seven 0ne-hundredths feet to a copper bolt in a point of ledge; thence south forty- one degrees fifty mmutes west one hundred and seventy-seven and thirty-seven one-hundredths feet to an iron bolt set in a edge marking the northeast corner of the lot of J. & C. H. Clement; thence westerly, but everywhere followin the northerly line of said Clement Lot, to the northwest corner Siereof; thence southerly, but evervwhere following the westerly line of said Clement Lot, to the northerly side of the road lead` to Turtle Lake: thence southwesterly, but everywhere followingufge northern side line of said road, forty-five feet, more or less, to a stone t in the side of said road; thence north eighty-one degrees twenty-thesee minutes west, passing through two iron bolts set in a bowlder in line of land of Helen P. Dane, and every-
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