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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/622

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1>ROOLAMATIONs, 1916. 1789 where following same, four hundred and seventy-five and seventy- mlg;g°"P'*°°‘°°¤· five one-hundredths feet to a stone post set in the ound; thence ` north twenty-eiggit degrees forty-six minutes west, stilllfollowing said Dane line, three undred and forty-five and two-tenths feet to an iron bolt in a bowlder; thence north sixty-one degrees thirty-nine minutes west, everywhere following said Dane line, six hundred and thirty- five and eight-tenths feet to an iron bolt in a bowlder; thence south fifty-er¤·ht degrees fifty-eight minutes west, but everywhere following said Dane line, six hundred and forty-two and eight-tenths feet to a stone post set in the ground; thence north eighty-seven de ees forty-five minutes west, but everywhere following said Dane {line, eight hundred and thirty-three feet, to a stone post set in the ground; thence north thirty-Eve de ew fifty-six minutes east, followin the easterly line of the so-called!-Candage Quarry Lot, one hundref and fif ty and one-tenth feet to a stone post set in the ground; thence north eleven degrees thirty-nine minutes east, but everywhere following the eastern line of said Quarry Lot, two hundred and forty-nine an one-tenth feet to a stone post marking the northeastern corner of said Quarry Lot. said stone post at said northeastern corner being distant ten hundred and eighty-seven feet, measuring south eight -two degrees thirty minutes east, from the intersection of the southerly line of the Sidney P. Bracy Lot, called also the Candage Lot, with the center of the town road leading to Jordan’s Pond; thence turning and running easterly, boimded northerly by said Bracy or Candage Lot, to the southeast corner of said Bracy or Candage Lot; thence genera.lly northerly, bounded westerly by said Bracy or Candge Lot, the John Clement Lot and the Hannah A. Bracy (widow) ower Lot, to the northeast corner of said Dowesr Lot; thence south seventy degrees west, but always following the northern line of said Dower Lot, one thousand three hundred and three and fivet-tenths feetito the south-east corner of land formerlg of Charles T. How; thence north four degrees east, following said ow’ s east line, seven hundred and forty-two feet, more or less, to a (point one hundred and fifty feet distant from the southerly shore of ordan Pond; thence easterly, northerly, westerly and southerly, but everywhere arallel with and one hundred and fifty feet distant from the shore elf said Jordan Pond, to a point one hundred and fifty feet from the intersection of the shore line of the water of said Pond with the westerly line of the strip of land two rods wide taken and condemned for a pipe line by the Seal Harbor Water Supply Company by its condemnation proceedings of December 22, 1896, and according to its %ans and descriptions of that date filed in the Registry of Deeds for ancock County; thence south twenty-five decrees fifty minutes west; but everywhere following the westerly line of said strip so taken and condemned for a pi e line to its intersection with the northerly line of the lot of land talien and condenmed for dams, reservoirs and other necessary buildings for the said Water Company by its condemnation aforesaid, and according to its plans and descriptions filed as aforesaid; thence north fifty-two degrees forty minutes west, but evzywhere following the northerly line of said lot taken and condemn for dams and other purposes above mentioned, to the stone post marking the northwestern corner of said lot; thence south seventeen degrees twenty minutes west, but everywhere following the westerly line of said lot, one hundred and six and forty-one hundredths feet to the stone post marking its southwestern corner; thence in a southerly direction to Station Eighteen plus Seventy-eiggt in the centre line of the old location of the water pipe line of the al Harbor Water Supply Company according to the condemnation aforesaid; thence sout westerly, but everywhere following the centre line of said old location, being the centre line of a strip two rods wide marked at its angles by stone posts