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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/627

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1916. 1793 The Department of Agriculture is hereb authorized and directed to adopt suitable regu ations to give efflect to the previous paragraph by prescribing and fixing closed seasons, having due regard to the zones of temperature, bree ing habits, and times and line of migratory flight, thereby enabling the department to select and desi - nate suitable districts for different portions of the country, and it shrill be unlawful to shoot or by any device kill or seize and ca ture migratory birds within the protection of this law during said closed seasons, and anilperson who shall violate any of the provisions or regulations of t `s law for the protection of migratory birds shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $100 or ipliprisoned not more than ninety days, or both, in the discretion of t e court. The Department of Agriculture, after the pre aration of said regulations, s all cause the same to be made ubliic, and shall allow a period of three months in which said regulations may be examined and considered before final adoption, permitting, when deemed proper, public hearings thereon, and after final ado tion shall cause the same to be engrossed and submitted to the President of the United States for approval: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be eemed to affect or interfere with the local laws of the States and Territories for the rotection of nonrnigratory game or other birds resident and breeding within their borders, nor to prevent the States and Territories from enactinglaws and regulations to promote and render eflicient the regulations of the Department

culture {provided under this statute.

REAS, the Department of Agriculture has duly prepared suitable regulations to give effect to the fo oing provisions 0 said Act and ter the preparation of said regulations has caused the same to be made pu lic and has allowed a_period of three months in which said regulations might be examined and considered before final ado tion and has permitted public hearin thereon; AND, QVHEREAS, the Department of C\1F€l1I`6 has adopted the regulations hereinafter set forth and after al adoption thereof has causpld thpl same tg be engrosspd and submitted to the President of the nite States or a prova ; NOW, THEREFORIQ, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of mI_§,§§•}j{’·“°“ "°°'“"d the United States of America, by authority in me vested do approve and hereby proclaim and make known the following regulations for carrying into effect the foregoing provisions of said ot: Regulation 1.——Definitions. lilor the puposes of lthelie regulations the following shall be consid- §$g¤u*§g**;8m°bkds_ ere migato ame ir : (a) Ariatidrgeir waterfowl, including brant, wild ducks, geese, and swans. (b) Gruidae or cranes, including little brown, sandhill, and whoopin cranes. éc) Rallidae or rails, including coots, gallinules, and sora and other rails. (d) Limicolae or shore birds, including avocets, curlew, dowitchers, godwits, knots, oyster catchers, pha aropes, plover, sandpipers, snipe, stilts, surf birds, turnstones, willet. woodcock, and yellow egs. (e) Columbidae or pigeons, including doves and wild pigeons. _ _ _ dllordthe purposes of these regiilaigons the following s all be con- m$§;;‘;,f>’ ‘“’°“"° si ere migr` ato insectivorous ir : (f) BobolinksI,ycatbirds, chickadees, cuckoos, flickers, fiycatchers, osbeaks, hummingbirds, kinglets, martins, meadowlarks, nighthlawks or bull bats, nuthatches, orioles, robins, shrikes, swallows, swifts, tanagers, titmice, thrushes, vireos, warblers, waxwings, whip-