1794 PROCLAMATIONS, 1916. poorwills, woodpeckers, and wrens, and all other perching birds which feed entirely or chiefly on msects. Regulation 2.--Closed Season at Night. mg,§§°d °°”°° “A dail§ closed season on all migratory game and insectivorous ` birds sha extend from srmset to sunrise. Regulation 3.—Closed Season on Insectivorous Birds. C‘§°§ ’°“,‘Q“ °" *"‘ A closed season on migratory insectivorous birds shall continue sm 0 mb ds` throughout each [year, except that the closed season on reedbirds pr ricebirds in New_ ersey, I’ennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,_the District of Columbia, Vrrgima, North Carolma, South Carolma, and mmm for mmm Georgia shall commence November 1 and end August 31, next folpurposes. lowing, both dates mclusivez Promded, That nothing in this or any other of these regulations shall be construed to prevent the issue_ of permits for collecting birds for scientific purposes m accordance with the laws re§¤1lationsfinCf)cfrcebin the respective States and Territories an istrict 0 um ia. · Regulation 4.——Closed `Seasons on Certain Game Birds. mrwgryw ¤¤¤¤¤d1 Egg; A closed season shall continue until Siestember 1, 1918 on the foltnas. lowing migratory game birds: Band—t ed pigeons, little brown, sandhill, and whooping cranes, wood ducks, swans, curlew, willet, and all shore birds except the black-breasted and golden plover, W1]- $,:29 snipe or gacksnipe, woodcock, and the greater and lesser yellow- A- closed season also shall continue until Se tember 1, 1918 on rails in California`and Vermont and until Octoliier 1, 1918 on woodcock in Illinois, Kentucky, and Missouri, and until September 1, 1918 on black-breasted and go den plover and greater and esser yellowlegs in California and Utah. Regulation 5.——Zones. Z°¤°*°"*°*’“S*’°d· 'l‘he following zones for the protection of migratory game and insectivorous birds are hereby established. _ ,}*9 N°- ‘» "'°°‘““¤ Zone No. 1, the br·eedi§ zone, comprising the States of Mame, New ` Hampshire, Vermont, assachusetts, Rhode Island Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, West Virgi)nia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South akota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington—31 tates. w§gf"° "°·’·"""“"'*”¥ MZonl§n1(\;o. 1%, the winttering zope, cgrmprising tlhe Sltages o{ul)e1aSw)ar<i; ary , isft Cum'a, irginia, ort aro'a ut Carolina, Georgrlsi? Fhiridg, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee,,Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, and California-17 States and the District of Columbia. Regulation 6.—Construction. Qlgfrd mm °°“‘ For the purposes of egulatfo 7 and 8 each period of time therein St L prescribed as a closedxiseasonlsllissill be construed to include the first and last day thereof. Z§},§’f$§,_ ,_s°‘“"‘“ “‘ Regulation 7.——Closed Seasons in Zone No. 1. “'“""°°"*°‘°· TVcte·rfowZ, Coats, and GaZlinuZe.9.——The closed seasons on waterfowl, coots and gallinules in Zone one shall be as follows: In Mame, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York (except Long Island), Ohio, Michivan, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri the closed season shall be between January 1 and September 15 next following;
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